- J. Reb Cagle likedPutin orders his warships in Med to work with French Navy http://dailym.ai/1SWKj6U
- West Ham are the first team to have two things in their name that ISIS hate153 retweets181 likes
- TIME.com RetweetedIt's time to punish those who fund ISIS. Read my Op-Ed here: http://time.com/4116601/paris-attacks-rand-paul/?xid=homepage …308 retweets384 likes
- RT already escaped in Louisiana Locknload http://socialmediavote.blogspot.com/2015/11/syrianrefugees-isis-is-here-trump2016.html?spref=tw&m=1 …1 retweet1 like
- Rand Paul: "Punish those who fund ISIS" http://ti.me/1ltABxH
- Italians For Trump and 199 others follow