Saturday, March 5, 2016

#Kasich pulls ahead of Trump in Michigan, Press tonight very hostile ! Trump the master slaps them around beautifully!

  1. Trump's states have a combined pop of 9 million; Cruz's 4+ mill. Trump won the only primary; Cruz won only caucuses.
  2. Press tonight very hostile ! Trump the master slaps them around beautifully!
  3. Trump controls the press like no other! Reporters now all laughing! I love it Great wins tonight !
  4. If you're a has been GOP politician you better hurry up and endorse Trump while you still can.
  5. These reporters are lowlife scum. Dude brings up the manhood thing and will report that Trump brought it up.
  6. Can you believe a reporter at Trump's press conference brought up "his manhood"? Good lord. Now they'll accuse Trump of bringing it up.