- Alexis In NH and 1 other likedSomeone should teach #Hilary about @Uber http://www.businessinsider.com/hillary-clinton-subway-card-2016-4 … #Metro8 retweets15 likes
- lorischovanec and 199 others followDukakis Used a Tank – Hilllary Clinton Used the Subway Turnstile… http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=2iFi0HtINcg … http://theconservativetreehouse.com/2016/04/07/dukakis-used-a-tank-hilllary-clinton-used-the-subway-turnstile …
- Hillary Clinton rides the subway, just like a normal person! http://slate.me/1S00Szo11 retweets22 likes
- Dee O Martin and 199 others followToo funny, Hillary #Clinton tries, and fails, several times to swipe her MetroCard to get into Subway #Trump2016 https://youtu.be/c05QBQDKkcM
- Hillary's subway stunt was almost as dumb as her burrito stunt. Dumb reporters fell for both of them. http://thefederalist.com/2016/04/07/hillary-clintons-subway-stunt-fools-reporters/ …14 retweets32 likes
- Gonna Be Yuuuge! Retweeted86 retweets81 likes
- 5th time's the charm! We feel @HillaryClinton's frustration as she tries to enter subway: http://cbsn.ws/1Sg8iLT44 retweets54 likes
- Hillary Clinton endures subway crush to win New York votes http://on.wsj.com/1TEgNWn54 retweets59 likes
- SinethembaInvestCo and 199 others followHillary Clinton couldn’t get through the subway turnstile, suffered like every New Yorker http://bzfd.it/23ldc25208 retweets591 likes
- Hillary Clinton struggles to get through subway entrance http://politi.co/1Wf1Hra | AP Photo