- Rebel Diaz representing the Bronx!! Ted Cruz not welcomed here!! http://fb.me/2ujCTqaS61 retweet1 like
- Ted Cruz Bombs in the Bronx as Hillary Clinton Takes 5 Tries to Get Through the Subway Turnstiles http://www.snsanalytics.com/ed5Gy1
- Organizaciones latinas de El Bronx NY critican a Ted Cruz y dicen que es un aprovechado e hipócrita que sólo quiere dinero y votos0 retweets0 likes
- Thanks to @tedcruz, we now know what a human fish out of water looks like... http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/cruz-bronx-school-visit-canceled-students-plan-walkout-article-1.2590946 … #TEDCRUZ2016 #NewYorkPrimary
- "Get out of the Bronx." Cruz's comments on #NewYorkValues came back to bite him when he arrived in the Big
23 retweets22 likes
- @rebeldiaz: "2 receive this right-wing bigot is an insult to the whole community." @rosaclemente @marclamonthill https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/politics/performer-ted-cruz-is-not-welcome-in-the-bronx/2016/04/07/4a7f3e60-fd08-11e5-813a-90ab563f0dde_video.html …
- Cruz said while visiting Bronx the rich got richer under Obama Now mind you his wife work @ GOLDMAN SACH #California #homeless #NewYorkCity0 retweets0 likes
- The subway primary: Candidates (try to) take Manhattan ... and Brooklyn and the Bronx, too https://www.yahoo.com/politics/hillary-rides-subway-kasich-mikes-deli-cruz-bronx-195133210.html …
- New York school cancels Cruz visit after student walkout threat: http://hill.cm/YLCg4ER13 retweets9 likes
- Ted Cruz Thought It Was A Good Idea To Visit The Bronx http://gothamist.com/2016/04/07/more_like_ted_boooos_amirite.php … via @Gothamist0 retweets0 likes
- Offended Bronx Students Allow Principal to Cancel Ted Cruz - Breitbart http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/04/06/offended-bronx-students-allow-principal-cancel-ted-cruz/ … via @BreitbartNews
- "Right Wing bigot" Ted Cruz not welcome in the Bronx? My final thoughts: https://www.facebook.com/TomiLahren/videos/966025056824015/ …6 retweets8 likes
- Was Cruz also impressed, or in any way affected by the reaction he received in the Bronx? Not in any way that was … http://bit.ly/20c3oFL
- Performer: Ted Cruz 'is not welcome' in the Bronx http://dlvr.it/L0Rzn5
- Cruz Gets a Bronx Cheer - Wall Street Journal http://dlvr.it/L0RyLF0 retweets0 likes
- magbanaoye Retweeted teleSUR EnglishVIDEO: A"community leader" meets w Ted #Cruz in the Bronx, citizen reporter puts both on the spot Scroll&dwnloadmagbanaoye added,72teleSUR English @telesurenglishWhat really happened today with Ted Cruz & @RodrigoStarz in The Bronx? Get a behind the scenes look. http://bit.ly/209jYWI @RebelDiaz0 retweets0 likes
- Guineaoye Retweeted teleSUR EnglishVIDEO: A"community leader" meets w Ted #Cruz in the Bronx, citizen reporter puts both on the spot Scroll&dwnloadGuineaoye added,72teleSUR English @telesurenglishWhat really happened today with Ted Cruz & @RodrigoStarz in The Bronx? Get a behind the scenes look. http://bit.ly/209jYWI @RebelDiaz