- Liked 42 timesMegyn Kelly reached out to Trump's office to arrange today's meeting. Expect her to talk about it on tonight's show… http://cnnmon.ie/1Mummp1
- Waldo Faldo and 199 others followUSA TODAY Retweeted USA TODAY 2016It HAS been almost 2 weeks since @realDonaldTrump last attacked @megynkelly on Twitter. http://usat.ly/1oYx8ZiUSA TODAY added,64USA TODAY 2016 @usatoday2016Donald Trump and Megyn Kelly met over lunch, and everyone's buzzing about it http://usat.ly/1oYx8Zi via @joshhafner
- .WorldwideHerald.com RetweetedDonald Trump and Megyn Kelly met at Trump Tower this morning. http://cnn.it/1qShRej106 retweets211 likes
- A Fox News spokesperson said the results of the @MegynKelly meeting with @RealDonaldTrump would be revealed tonight http://politi.co/1SgdSnI
- Huh: Donald Trump and Megyn Kelly met over lunch http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2016/04/13/donald-trump-megyn-kelly-lunch-meeting/82991514/ …
- Iowa Women For Trump RetweetedMegyn Kelly goes to Trump Tower to meet Trump on April 13 in the morning. She called him first to meet! http://money.cnn.com/2016/04/13/media/megyn-kelly-donald-trump-meet/index.html …
- So @NBCNews reports Donald Trump and Megyn Kelly did meet this AM, following up on earlier sighting at Trump Tower16 retweets6 likes
- Donald Trump met with Megyn Kelly at Trump Tower today. Is a Trump-Kelly reunion interview in the works? http://cnnmon.ie/23F2SlG