- You RetweetedBREAKING (3) Colorado GOP just posted this!!! RT and send to everyone. So childish & unprofessional! #Trump20165 retweets5 likes
- You Retweeted
- You Retweeted@JohnRiversToo @cologop TY, John. Not likely to be a hack. Have to agree with your analysis.
- You Retweeted@aetaylor55 @cologop Yeah, it's floating around It's them gloating about stealing all of Trump's delegates with the tagline #NeverTrump
- You Retweeted@cologop @BrandonRittiman @_YohoKa_@Trumpcommunity We think someone else like the FBI should check on how you run things out there.
- Robby Ball Retweeted Conservative CaTI am afraid #WeThePeople might kick the #GOPe to the curb, Deal with that.Robby Ball added,
Conservative CaT @RealOrangeCat
#nevertrump, not the @cologop stood up, and kicked trumps sorry ass to the curb. Deal with it. https://twitter.com/StanHjerleid/status/719092252417458176 …0 retweets1 like
- You Retweeted@Logan_Cty_GOP @cologop @SenBillCadman @ColoSenGOP @SenatorGrantham #StandWithTrump WE will walk #StopTheSteal #Trump 2016
- You Retweeted@perfectsliders @TeamTrumpAZ @LadyInfidels @BrandonRittiman @_YohoKa_ Oh my? Where's the OUTRAGE? This IS NOT DEMOCRACY!
- You RetweetedNate Jara Retweeted Fox News@tedcruz's #NewYorkValues comment coming back to haunt him