- Jack for Trump! RetweetedTy Retweeted Jack for Trump!@CNN @Reince , word is you ordred the Deibold program to be used in NY to keep @realDonaldTrump under 50%. T or F ?Ty added,66Jack for Trump! @risetoflyy.@Reince allegedly planning to suppress Trump votes
13 retweets7 likes - InGoodTrumpany and 199 others followWe, the People, DEMAND an explanation @Reince #Diebold https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t75xvZ3osFg&feature=youtu.be … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpfy6vhrSRc&feature=youtu.be …28 retweets20 likes
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpfy6vhrSRc&feature=youtu.be … Do you honestly believe you're going to get away with this @Reince? @realDonaldTrump @EricTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr
- Alice Retweeted THE Book Goddess@Reince wants to use the "Diebold Program against Trump in NY. @santiagos58 @coinabs @BarbMuenchen @NamVet6669Alice added,21 retweets10 likes
- Jenn 4 Trump Retweeted@JudgeJeanine @charliesecho @FoxNews Judge is this legit? Did Reince give the order to implement operation DIEBOLD?6 retweets5 likes
- Linda Garriss and 1 other RetweetedAMERICA FIRST Retweeted sloneRT @Reince said to use diebold program in NY 2 keep Trump under 50% @EricTrump @realDonaldTrump NY REVOLT ON GOP!AMERICA FIRST added,32 retweets18 likes
- ☆☆Texas for Trump☆☆ likedWV 4 TRUMP Retweeted ☆☆Texas for Trump☆☆WE NEED THOSE MACHINES WATCHED!!! Trump will roll but @Reince will try to FIX THE DIEBOLD MACHINES! @DanScavinoWV 4 TRUMP added,66☆☆Texas for Trump☆☆ @BigStick2013http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/275350-trump-tops-50-percent-in-new-york-cruz-in-third-place … **Latest poll** Trump above 50% in NY positioned to win all 95 delegates, Kaisch 25%…5 retweets4 likes
- Sandra Robinson and 2 others Retweeted#IAmNotThePresidentBecause @Reince
is using Diebold voting machines, lying, & stopping me from winning the nom!!
22 retweets22 likes
- @Reince If you and your cohorts steal Wis from Trump with George Soros pre programmed Diebold machines you may start the destruction of GOP.25 retweets18 likes
- GREENIE 4 TRUMP Retweeted@Reince Diebold machines can be set to give a candidate a pre determined win by percentage with a self erasing program. I am a top Navy Tech47 retweets35 likes
- PatriotMom and 24 others follow@FredZeppelin12 @DrMartyFox @Reince Didn't Mitt's boy, the one who threatened Nobama, didn't he buy stock, take a position with #Diebold?
- Cthulhu for America and 87 others follow@TheYoungTurks @Reince @GOP debate was a pu pu platter of crazy. I have no trust our system of voting since Florida/Diebold debacle in 2000.