- "@gene70: @realDonaldTrump Fugedaboudit!!! The woman in New York love Donald Trump!!! "716 retweets2,006 likes
- Bernie Sanders says that Hillary Clinton is unqualified to be president. Based on her decision making ability, I can go along with that!1,738 retweets4,916 likes
- Isn't it a shame that the person who will have by far the most delegates and many millions more votes than anyone else, me, still must fight4,736 retweets14,681 likes
- "@DnGLax: Yes! Thank U 4 coming to LI! It was a thrill 2 B part of it! U will get the job done! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #trump2016
1,074 retweets4,314 likes
- 1,633 retweets5,685 likes
- "@lilrachiepoo: @realDonaldTrump Thank you, Mr. Trump, for your personal and financial sacrifices in this journey to #MAKEAMERICAGREATAGAIN"1,902 retweets6,519 likes
- "@RepaloneLori: @realDonaldTrump @kirstiealley we love you and know you will do an awesome job! Saw you in bethpage !!
" Thank you.
1,351 retweets4,958 likes
- "@redneckgp: All you haters out there, STOP trashing the only candidate @realDonaldTrump that will put ALL OF YOU & AMERICA FIRST #trump"2,136 retweets6,673 likes
- "@RepMartinDaniel: We support you #HaileyPuckett. You will go far in life. Smart and courageous!1,316 retweets4,206 likes
- "@kirstiealley: HELLO BOYS! this is my formal endorsement of @realDonaldTrump & I'm a woman! (last I checked) And Rudy, U R amazing!2,785 retweets8,508 likes
- "@Cam: Reports are RNC has received +1 million postcards so far! If I get more info on ## I'll post @AnnCoulter http://twitter.com/Campaign_Trump/status/718572490981646336/photo/1pic.twitter.com/yhyWihDdMq "3,296 retweets8,023 likes
- “Donald Trump—The Disrupter” will air on @FoxNews Saturday night and Sunday night at 8 PM ET. Anchored by @BretBaier. @johnrobertsFox2,594 retweets6,874 likes