- Donald Trump: Ted Cruz ‘A Trojan Horse’ Used by ‘Party Bosses’ to Steal the Nomination http://ift.tt/1SAftz2 (BB)More
- The Daily Show: Donald Trump is so sexist he even objectified his one-year-old daughter - Vox http://bit.ly/1N8yrei
- BernieismyBoyfriend Retweeted Black Iron ManRight back atcha. She has more self inflicted wounds than anyone but Trump.BernieismyBoyfriend added,46Black Iron Man @AnthonyStark999They're opponents. It's not her job to prop him up, or save him from self-inflicted wounds. https://twitter.com/sansarising/status/717702093797240832 …0 retweets0 likes
- @seanhannity thanku shaen for trying to help TRUMP and the people...we love u.I pray establishment wont screw TRUMP0 retweets0 likes
- Is Donald Trump's 20 percent jobless rate right? - CBS News http://bit.ly/1MdDLSB
- DrumpfDrumpf Retweeted POLITICO#Trump has difficulties with loss he created.His prediction was WRONG on #Wisc. #GOPdisaster #BrokeredInClevelandDrumpfDrumpf added,92POLITICO @politicoWisconsin meltdown puts Trump on track for convention fight http://politi.co/1TBK3Nv | AP Photo0 retweets0 likes
- Bürger auf der ganzen Welt unterzeichnen offenen Brief an #Trump @realDonaldTrump. Jetzt mitmachen! #MessageToTrump https://secure.avaaz.org/de/deartrump/?wuJHskb …
- Donald Trump's loss in Wisconsin may be no ordinary setback http://ca.tusueldo.com/s4h #world0 retweets0 likes
- The Economist: 'Trump Wins the Election' a Global Threat ... - http://conservativejunction.com/the-economist-trump-wins-the-election-a-global-threat-equivalent-to-jihadi-terrorism/ … #PolicticalNews #ConservativeNews0 retweets0 likes
- In reply to Megyn Kelly@megynkelly @ScottWalker @tedcruz Trump does not have the political savvy 2 BS his way through tough questions, but does have managerial exp
- @realDonaldTrump Hi Mr. Trump! You are an amazing person! You HAVE to win or our country will be weaken beyond repair! I have advice to win!0 retweets0 likes
- In reply to pinecohen@pinecohen @mitchellvii if trump is not electable. cruz is even worse off. This logic is flaud! Cruz lost weeks ago. Do the math!
- Kasich's Got to Go http://www.newsmax.com/JonahGoldberg/kasich-trump-cruz/2016/04/06/id/722507/ … ESTABLISHMENT KEEPS HIM AROUND....BOTH R FOOL'S....0 retweets0 likes
- After Wisconsin, Trump And Cruz Received Some Devastating News! http://ow.ly/3dfpkX
- Fox news get rid of this narcissistic bitch, stop insulting trump supporters! YOU COULD BE NEXT!!0 retweets0 likes
- This is how I feel about Trump supporters. Just a huge lot of the average joe.0 retweets0 likes
- Hateful statement issued on behalf of @realDonaldTrump by Hope HIcks. Trump has learned nothing and is not suitable. #NeverTrump @marykissel0 retweets0 likes
- In reply to Christopher C. Cuomo@ChrisCuomo @AFineBlogger @MikeStehn I don't know if there's a candidate out there I could vote for!Can't have status quo.Bern & Trump crazy