- 2. A warning – I am angry as hell & actually hope that I am wrong, but fear I’m not.eply
- 3. Also – what follows is all researched, if you need clarification just ask in replies.
- 4. So let’s start with a date - 4 May, 2016.
- 5. Donald J Trump, against all the odds, wins the unofficial nomination as GOP candidate for the Presidential election.
- 6. Who do you think was happiest at this news? Trump & his team? No. You may be surprised at the answer.
- 7. The answer? Hillary Clinton & the DNC. But why?ply
- 8. Their ‘Pied Piper’ strategy had worked.
- 9. Clinton had announced her candidacy on 12 April, 2015 & became the presumptive Democratic nominee on June 7, 2016.
- 10. From the moment she announced, Clinton & her team had 2 objectives.
- 11. Objective 1 - destroy Bernie Sanders.
- 12. Objective 2 - weaken strong GOP rivals, strengthen weak ones.
- 13. The DNC, Clinton & their media proxies disgracefully worked together to achieve both.
- 14. It worked : the Sanders campaign was destroyed & the GOP nominated Trump.
- 15. Be in no doubt. On 4 May, 2016, Hillary Clinton would have been ECSTATIC.
- 16. The Clinton v Trump campaign had started.
- 17. And HRC would have been CERTAIN that she was going to be POTUS 45 - that she could not lose.Reply
- 18. Let's move to another date, just 2 weeks later: 22 May, 2016. Why is this significant?
- 19. It was the first time in the campaign that Donald Trump won a national poll against Hillary Clinton, 43.4 to 43.2.
- 20. A tiny margin on paper, but it must have sparked concern in the Clinton campaign & DNC. Why?
- 22. The ‘outsider’ they had DELIBERATELY promoted – Donald J Trump, the joke candidate - was TAKING THE LEAD.
- 26. We need to keep this in mind all the time when trying to understand what happened before the election.
- 27. When it came to dealing with opponents, the MO of Clinton & her allies was already clear.
- 28. Cheat, lie & collude - do whatever you have to do to destroy rivals. After all, they thought they were UNTOUCHABLE.
- 31. Oh, there’s no doubt it is a TOTAL fabrication. The greatest LIE in American political history.
- 32. THAT is what will be PROVED in the coming days, in my opinion. And it will change everything.
- 33. But let’s move to 25 May, 2016. A day that sent shockwaves through the DNC/Clinton campaign.
- 34. The DNC ‘discovered’ that all emails between 15 January, 2015 – 25 May, 2016 had been copied & removed from their servers.
- 35. These damning emails were published by Wikileaks on 22 July, 2016. They proved how the Clinton gang cheated Sanders.
- 36. It is my belief that Seth Rich, a BernieBro, downloaded these onto a USB Thumb Drive and kept them as some form of insurance.
- 37. I think Rich was inspired by Edward Snowden, who used the same method in 2013 and was also an idealistic man of similar age.
- 38. He did it because of what he had learned about the DNC screwing his main man, Bernie Sanders.
- 41. That’s 12 months of TOTAL silence about Russia from all of Trump's GOP rivals, the DNC & Hillary Clinton. Nyet. Nada.
- 42. The first noises about a connection started just after the DNC leak in June, 2016 – surprise, surprise, from Clinton proxies:
- 44. Then hey presto, in came the Clinton Praetorians. Comey - we knew about it but didn't tell the DNC or Congress. Russian hacking!
- 45. The DNC story, post-Wikileaks? ‘We’ve been hacked!' The DNC brought in CrowdStrike to 'investigate'.
- 49. What I'm seeing is a DNC /Clinton PROXY. Predictably, Crowdstrike: ‘The hack was by Russian foreign intel.’
- 50. The FBI (Comey) softballed. They ‘offered’ to help. The DNC refused. The FBI did nothing. A disgrace.
- 51. The narrative was now in play: Russian intelligence, under Putin, hacked the DNC. Guccifer. CrazyBear. Etc.
- 52. As if on cue WaPo, CNN, NYT start pushing Trump's connections with Russia. Boom: the Trump & Russia smear was born.
- 55. But still, it didn’t work. Trump’s campaigning was superb. Behind the scenes, he was WINNING.
- 56. And Clinton, the DNC, Obama & their media proxies KNEW it. And that's when their FEAR started.
- 58. Comey RIGGED the FBI investigation into Clinton’s emails & server. Lynch & Bill at Phoenix.
- 59. Attacks started on Trump & his family. Nasty & personal. Almost all LIES.
- 'Let Me Tell You a Story About How America Was Almost Destroyed By Criminals'Joe Masepoes video is BRILLIANT. I'm honored that he based it on a thread I did in mid-2017. Even now, it's riveting to watch: 117 replies
- 911 will forever be remembered, not for the horrific crime perpetrated against the people by their former elected heads of state, but for the Patriots who took back our Republic and declassified what REALLY happened on that hellish day in history. #NeverForget #NeverForgive