Robby Ball
Shared publicly - 7:53 PM
WEDNESDAY (night) #Poll CAST YOUR VOTE Donald J. #Trump has just released 11 names of nominees that he would like to see on #SCOTUS Twitter Pollhttps://twitter.com/perfectsliders
BONUS Twitter Poll https://twitter.com/perfectsliders
#Kasich drops out: "Nobody has ever done more with less in the history of politics"#Cruz supporters worked their hearts out for him, didn't see end coming Adding#Johnson to all future polling Huge night for Trump, not just 5-0 but all blowouts. Is he gonna get to 1237? Fascinating. Trump didn't just win every state in Tuesday's primaries -- he won every county too #Cruz getting desperate this weekend before SUPER TUESDAY #Trump can smell victory, and he is showing it in his speech right now in Maryland I Want to Bring Rubio Into Campaign #SHOCK Rubio Ready to Endorse Donald Trump and Join the Team. Donald Trump jumps to an 18-point lead over Ted Cruz this week with record high support for the Republican nomination. Fox News A large crowd of candidates will likely compete for the nominations.
#GOPestablishment fears losing its clout, fears Trump or#Cruz as nominee Trump says North Korea is China's problem. #Sanders Says He Can Do Better Against Trump Than Clinton "Wholly false”: Hillary Clinton is misleading people about Bernie Sanders’ Wall Street reform, again#BillClinton rape accuser speaks out: Hillary "tried to silence" her#Election2016
#Sanders #Cruz #Carson #trump #clinton2016 #Clinton #trump2016#feelthebern #bush #Carson2016 #Vote #GOP #Election2016 #Trump#HillaryClinton #Kasich #ElectionDay #DemDebate #Republican #Benghazi #Polls#Foxnews #Carson #Election #FeelTheBern #BenCarson #JebBush#BernieSanders #JebCanFixIt #Trumptrain #TrumpTsunami #TrumpLandslide#GaryJohnson
BONUS Twitter Poll https://twitter.com/perfectsliders
#Kasich drops out: "Nobody has ever done more with less in the history of politics"#Cruz supporters worked their hearts out for him, didn't see end coming Adding#Johnson to all future polling Huge night for Trump, not just 5-0 but all blowouts. Is he gonna get to 1237? Fascinating. Trump didn't just win every state in Tuesday's primaries -- he won every county too #Cruz getting desperate this weekend before SUPER TUESDAY #Trump can smell victory, and he is showing it in his speech right now in Maryland I Want to Bring Rubio Into Campaign #SHOCK Rubio Ready to Endorse Donald Trump and Join the Team. Donald Trump jumps to an 18-point lead over Ted Cruz this week with record high support for the Republican nomination. Fox News A large crowd of candidates will likely compete for the nominations.
#GOPestablishment fears losing its clout, fears Trump or#Cruz as nominee Trump says North Korea is China's problem. #Sanders Says He Can Do Better Against Trump Than Clinton "Wholly false”: Hillary Clinton is misleading people about Bernie Sanders’ Wall Street reform, again#BillClinton rape accuser speaks out: Hillary "tried to silence" her#Election2016
#Sanders #Cruz #Carson #trump #clinton2016 #Clinton #trump2016#feelthebern #bush #Carson2016 #Vote #GOP #Election2016 #Trump#HillaryClinton #Kasich #ElectionDay #DemDebate #Republican #Benghazi #Polls#Foxnews #Carson #Election #FeelTheBern #BenCarson #JebBush#BernieSanders #JebCanFixIt #Trumptrain #TrumpTsunami #TrumpLandslide#GaryJohnson
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Gary Johnson
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