Monday, December 31, 2018

Are you for the 2nd amendment (all the amendments)?

  1. This is why we protect the 2nd Amendment.
  2. You can get much farther with a kind word and a gun then you can with a kind word alone ~Al Capone
  3. Replying to 
    A gun is a inanimate object. It is incapable of independent thought. It is the person using the firearm that chooses to use it in a unlawful manner and is responsible for their actions. Thank you and all others Defending our Right to Bear Arms.
  4. Replying to 
    That task is 2nd Ann. As in . Every day, 19 children are shot in America, according to a recent study. Nearly 1,300 kids under the age of 18 die every year from gunshot wounds Start there Ann and we’ll help you after saving these kids.
  5. Another snowy day. Glad I went shooting yesterday
  6. Replying to 
  7. I seriously hope this isn’t how they teach statistics at , Might be time for a faculty review.
  8. To stop drunk drivers from causing accidents and killing sober drivers just prevent sober drivers from driving.... see how stupid that sounds. That’s exactly what the liberals are trying to push with gun laws.
  9. I'm for the 2nd amendment (all the amendments) and I'm for this. I don't understand people who are black and white on either side. If we could listen to one another with respect and compassion the world would make more sense