Monday, December 31, 2018

DEEP STATE - FBI Is Examining Trump Golf Club’s Employment Records Now the FBI is harassing employees at Trump properties The DOJ & FBI are out of CONTROL

  1. Deep State FBI Is Examining Trump Golf Club’s Employment Records Now the FBI is harassing employees at Trump properties The DOJ & FBI are out of CONTROL mobs It’s time to shut them down & start over. They are corrupt wings of DEMONRAT PARTY
  2. * was a bright and shining star in the news business! Be sure to thank God for your very Life! We never know when our time is up. , leaving too soon, is a reminder that God invites His elect to enter His sphere bc the best are often needed. and !
  3. Last night I watched interviews with a few of the Dems who will be running the House in a few hours. Their words were quietly competent, reassuring, and intelligent. I have a mildly optimistic glow today, now that with in charge.
  4. CEI's explains why the Administrative State is prevailing, despite the administration's efforts to cut regulation. Federal agencies in 2018 issued 12 rules and regulations for every law Congress passed.