Tuesday, January 1, 2019

DEMS WANTTRUMP TO LOSE - Lindsey Graham: "The bottom line is, [the Democrats] want Trump to lose more than they want the country to win, I fear."

  1.   Retweeted
    Lindsey Graham: "The bottom line is, [the Democrats] want Trump to lose more than they want the country to win, I fear."
  2. HAPPY NEW YEAR AMERICA!! Please stand up for your much admired Constitution, Bill of Rights & Please free journalist Julian Assange Hes suffered enough for courageously publishing important truths Please send him home to his family
  3. RT : Thread: Reminder that the nationwide protesting in France has not stopped and thousands and thousands of protestors are in the streets of bordeaux today marching against Macrons regime!
  4.   Retweeted
    You of all people have to open your corrupt mouth? The fact that you’re not already in Gitmo is beyond us. Little lone thinking we’d abandon our best leader we’ve had since Reagan. We don’t forget you or the rest of the swamp you’re associated with. Rot in hell ! 🇺🇸
  5. Jane Curtin wants the Republican party to die. WHY are always so and filled with ???
  6. Queen - Friends Will Be Friends (Official Video) via
  7. The Left Will Make 2019 a Dark Year
  8. Do not forget the posts -- keep your eyes on the ball. Q post 1510