Tuesday, January 1, 2019

What if #Q, #QAnon and #TheGreatAwakening are Real? - By this point you may have heard Q mentioned online, whether in conservative circles or somewhere in your social media feed. You likely didn’t pay too much attention to it,

  1. Let's get this straight. ⛈ Many Deep State are civilians who aided and abetted enemies ⛈ But we're in a state of war as declared by GWB after 911 ⛈ This makes [them] enemy combatants ⛈ DOJ recommends military trials ⛈ Supreme Court approves (5/4) ⛈ Fast trial, death penalty
  2. Fair and balanced. Expect more neutral authors and scholars merely interested in cultural phenomena to dig into Q and find as much validity as we have .https://t.co/u4Knfql0Fd
  3. "When the ferocious strike of an eagle breaks the body of its prey, it is because of the timing of the strike." - Sun Tzu
  4. America wasn't an accident. It was a refuge and then a fortress for freedom-seekers escaping cabal enslavement in Europe. We fought harder than you can imagine to create this Union and we've been fighting for it ever since. We find ourselves now in the twilight of this great war.
  5. Today [they] blame us for these dark times in American history, and use it to create the same division that they succeeded with back then. Ever since 1776 they have been working to dismantle the strength that is American Patriotism, good will and UNITY. Divided you are weak.
  6. We should keep Confederate monuments because slavery was never a product of . The banking cabal created the African trafficking cartel, and invoked the war to collapse the Union, hand the North back to the crown and the South over to Napoleon.
  7. Every month I unblock our deceived friends who trolled my feed with what they heard in the cabal fakestream media. They will need somewhere to come back to when they realize they've lived their entire life in a tar pit of lies.
  8. [They] owed allegiance to our Republic, but instead levied war against us, adhering to our enemies while giving them aid and comfort both within the United States and elsewhere. As such, they are guilty of TREASON and shall suffer death.
  9. Guess what. It's Jan 1, 2019. According to the 2018 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, Hillary Clinton, Diane Feinstein, John Brennan, James Clapper and others are all eligible for the DEATH PENALTY on account of their deliberate selling of top secret military secrets.