Tuesday, January 1, 2019

WHO IS THIS? - CLUE: "FORTHCOMING" Quick Recap: "Forthcoming", AF1 (Inside), TLC movie, Q&A = 18 #Qanon #WWG1WGA #Betheplan #JFKjr


Search results
  1. Certainly is! I recently received this amazing stash and that is one of them. ๐Ÿ˜Š
  2. A Magazine Thread for who still can't find a copy.
  3. YAY! It's 2019 for me over here! Wishing everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
  4. PeopleView all

  5. This is the young man met at the Chattanooga rally (see story) His name is JACOB BRIGHT and he showed her a selfie with Jim Acosta. Could it be the same person in HENRY BRIGHT's video? Jr's Son? Probably not...but it's fun to guess!
  6. Some trivia.
  7. Every time I see pics of Carolyn I see the resemblance of my wife. I miss you hun. Kiss the babies for me.
  8. Yes it will!
  9. I see you!
  10. Yes please!
  11. Girl on right same as Carolyn's daughter?
  12. my night watch pages and too many to name pages lol
  13. I can't watch "Last Days of John K. Kennedy Jr." I still remember the day when I walked into our house, Mother was crying hysterically...I was 5...she seemed 2 cry forever. "They killed Mr. Kennedy," she l screamed; when died...older, she was just sad...silent.
  14. Holy Moly. Is there no end to this rabbit hole? There may be a Stage 3 to some of these big celebrity deaths. So if the illuminati bad guys can do it, why couldn’t white hat be living as someone else? Watch! via ⁦
  15. Replying to 
    #99 takeback
  16. Ending January 3rd maybe? Is that the night of the tv special? Can’t wait to watch that