@LibyaFeb17_com has posted a video and subsequent translation that is a call to the Libyan army by the revolutionaries, asking them to question their actions and their call to duty.
In the name of God most Gracious most merciful
A call to the Libyan army. I would like to remind you that this revolution has no other goals, except the demand of the removal of Qaddafi. This comes after 41 years of gagging mouths. After 41 years of confiscating freedoms, after 41 years of repression, degradation and humiliation. After 41 years of Qaddafi promoting himself to the rank of God to be worshipped. Your people have revolted other to express their opinions about this murderer. So why do you face your people with bullets. Is this your civil duty ? To defend one person? I swear by God it is a shame (disgrace) and sad to see you killing your brothers while holding pictures of this lunatic and cheering the chants that are lies, awkward and silly. We don’t see the brave and free revolutionists (freedom fighters) hold up pictures of anyone nor cheer for the life of anyone. Their only chant is Libya Libya. The choice is yours to either to stand with your people, or with the tyrant. No third option. I will remind you of the verse from the Holy Quran “Indeed Pharoah, Haman and their soldiers were wrongdoers”. I swear justice will prevail in this life before the hereafter if you don’t stop. I swear each person who lost a dear one by your hands will demand rightful justice now before later. This regime has ended. This regime has worn out, and will not rise again. So don’t kill representing them, rather come join your people before it is too late.