3:44 PM: Revolutionary forces have retaken Bin Jawad
and that pro-Gaddafi forces are fleeing..
awaiting further information .
Next Day: : no update................ pretty much now know they lost Bin Jawad, hope @Isantanna is ok
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6:15 PM: no update................ should be getting dark about now5:24 PM: @Malik_73 reports that Al Jazeera is saying the Libyan military may be growing angry with Gaddafi for trying to organise an exit deal, effectively betraying them.
awaiting further information .
5:15 PM: @TomasRosaBueno tells us the @Isantanna has not been posting updates since her announcement that revolutionary forces have retaken Bin Jawad and that pro-Gaddafi forces are fleeing some time ago. Bin Jawad, it seems, is still undergoing a massive assault by pro-Gaddafi forces according to several sources. We are awaiting further information.
5:12 PM: Zawiyah is undergoing a massive, crippling assault by pro-Gaddafi forces, with some estimating 50 tanks and over 100 armored trucks rampaging. The revolutionaries are continuing to fight valiently, however.
UPDATE 1hr later
4:48 PM: @LibyaFeb17_com reports that the situation in Bin Jawad and Ras Lanuf has deteriorated significantly. The only medical team in the area is reporting casualties with "whole body parts blown off" from heavy shelling by pro-Gaddafi forces. "If this type of bombardment continues, we will NOT be able to support the newly injured whatosoever." http://gobb.us/m10
UPDATE 1hr later
3:44 PM: Revolutionary forces have retaken Bin Jawad
and that pro-Gaddafi forces are fleeing..
and that pro-Gaddafi forces are fleeing..
Felix__Krull Libyan interviewed on AJ Eng saying setting up missiles to shoot planes. Fighting in Bin Jawad re-started. #feb17 #libya
digestreport @Isantanna says that revolutionary forces have retaken Bin Jawad and that pro-Gaddafi forces are fleeing. http://gobb.us/4iq #Libya #Feb17
fabiobelt RT @lsantanna: Um comboio de combatentes rebeldes e ambulâncias está seguindo neste momento (15h55 locais/10h55 em Brasília) de Ras Lanuf para Bin Jawad.
Tripoli - Posted by Digest Report on Mar 8, 2011 at 1:13 PM in World
Tripoli - Posted by Digest Report on Mar 8, 2011 at 1:13 PM in World

3:15 PM: @TomasRosaBueno tells us that Brazilian journalist @Isantanna reports that revolutionary forces have retaken Bin Jawad and that pro-Gaddafi forces are fleeing.
2:18 PM: @LibyaFeb17_com has reported that pro-Gaddafi forces have resumed shelling Ras Lanuf revolutionaries with rockets.
2:05 PM: AGI News reports that the Libyan interim government has launched "indirect" talks with the United States, as reported by Mustafa Abel Jalil, the Leader of Benghazi's National Liberation Council. No details or reason for the outreach was given. http://gobb.us/j1q
2:02 PM: @BBCWorld reports: "Mohamed says he is a member of the civil committee that runs Misrata. He told the BBC about the situation in the town: 'It is calm but tense in Misrata. We are expecting another onslaught from the dictator. He is running out of options and is lashing out. There is some sense of normality. Some shops are open. But we are crying out for medical supplies.'"
2:01 PM: NSFW video has been posted to facebook of a hospital on Misratah showing the aftermath of a pro-Gaddafi assault on the city.

A group of rebels against Gaddafi is repaired by artillery fire a few miles from Bin Jawad, along the Libyan coast. (Roberto Schmidt, AFP)