Sunday, April 24, 2011

Defense Minister: Greece safe from Gaddafi’s Scuds missiles

Defense Minister: Greece safe from Gaddafi’s Scuds missiles

Posted by keeptalkinggreece in Politics
Greek National Defense Minister Evaggelos Venizelos assured that Greece is safe from any retaliation by Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. In an interview to TA NEA  daily Venizelos stressed that Gaddafi’s defense is unlikeley to affect Greek territory.  Yesterday a Greek military news portal claimed that the Scud ballistic missiles have a range of 500 km and could hit the island of Crete.
“Neither the defense nor the anti-aircraft weapons systems or other aircraft available by the regime in Libya is likely to affect the Greek territory, namely Crete. The distances are such that they provide full security. The frigate and our area is equipped with complete systems of self defense, “  said Venizelos.  wrote that Muammar Gaddafi has still unknown number of Scud-C missiles with a range of 500 km.
Some years ago Libya committed to a Scud-C missiles destruction program. It is widely believed that Gaddafi has still all his 240 Scud-b missiles that have a range of 300 km. The missiles were pursuased in the 1980′s. If the Scuds are the same I saw in the Libyan desert in 1996 they’re most probably rotten in rain, wind and desert sand. If not rotten, I am sure they are ‘expired’..