Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Gaddafi poisons water

Gaddafi has denied the people electricity, food and water in a strategically important mountainous area 80 km south of Tripoli.

Gaddafi poison the drinking water near Tripoli

19. April 2011 9:47 Abroad Update.: 19 April2011 10.25
Gaddafi has denied the people electricity, food and water in a strategically important mountainous area 80 km south of Tripoli.

He has closed to all incoming and udfart and destroy water supplies for mountain cities by poisoning the water with, for example, diesel, making it undrinkable. 

It tells Mads Lindegaard has DanChurchAid envoy in the region, to ABC News.

Fleeing through smuggling routesThousands of people flee over the mountains along the narrow smuggler roads because Gaddafi's troops have surrounded the whole mountain range and check the official border with Tunisia.

- He's hungry and thirsty people out of the area. The refugees coming across the border into Tunisia is deeply traumatized. They are hungry and thirsty, and they can tell that Qadhafi soldiers raping women. So much violence and so much death traumatises especially children, "says Mads Lindegaard.

Crammed into carsPeople fleeing the congested cars stretched behind a truck.There is a shortage of gasoline, so that's the way most people can escape.

- Many times there are 3:00 to 4:00 cars stretched behind a truck in the pulleys, and so are all the families crammed into the mattresses, and whatever, so the car runs almost entirely on the rim, "says Mads Lindegaard.

More escapesThe last few days have 2000 people crossed the border into Tunisia daily. In total, 10,000 Libyans fled across the border.

The population of around half a million people have now been cut off from external supplies for six weeks. They have run out of food and medicine and some places the water.

- He tries to starving people out there, and the strategy seems to work. If there is food and water, they leave the area, and then eventually no one to prevent him from taking it, "explains Mads Lindegaard from DCA.

Refugees strain TunisiaMost refugees who have crossed the border, has been foreign immigrants. Most have been repatriated to their homeland.

The approximately 10,000 Libyan refugees living in refugee camps in Tunisia and in Tunisian families who have volunteered to accept refugees. But Tunisia can not continue to accept the surging numbers of refugees.

- The last three or four days is the flow of refugees has become so large that the system can not keep up anymore, says Mads Lindegaard.

Relief along mountain roadsIt is therefore important for the DCA to combat the problems from the inside with relief, because Tunisia is overloaded.DCA is working with a fledgling Libyan organization that is responsible for the transport of emergency relief.

- Situation in the mountains is extremely serious, so it's a very risky surgery. We send small four-wheel drive trucks through mountain roads with the food of other supplies, "explains Mads Lindegaard.

The first supplies are sent to the villages during this week, said Mads Lindegaard.