Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sirte - Gen killed

Major General of the Libyan army was killed in Sirt today after an internal conflict.

Reuters21:20 Reuters Anti-aircraft fire was heard over Tripoli on Sunday evening. There were no clear signs of planes or airstrikes before the anti-aircraft.
Reuters19:04 Reuters The German government is considering transferring 6 billion euros in frozen funds belonging to Muammar Gaddafi’s regime to a United Nations escrow account to be dispersed to the Libyan people. “The United Nations could use it to pay for supplies of humanitarian aid to alleviate the suffering of the population in all of Libya,” Economy Minister Rainer Bruederle was quoted by German magazine Der Spiegel as saying in a government document. Bruederle believes individual nations cannot by law return Gaddafi’s frozen funds to the Libyan people directly and therefore wants the European Union to decide on a way to transfer all of Gaddafi’s frozen assets in Europe to the UN.
Al Manara19:00 Al Manara Media have received reports that a Major General of the Libyan army was killed in Sirt today after an internal conflict. The conflict took place after NATO warplanes conducted air strikes on Sirt’s military base in the morning. Gaddafi forces that were attacking Ajdabiya retreated, and it is speculated that this could be a result of the death of this Major General.
Reuters18:20 Reuters Nearly 4,000 Libyans have fled from the Western Mountains region to Tunisia in the past 10 days. “Their number is very large. The number is still increasing,” Ali, a Tunisian involved in helping Libyans arriving in the southern Tunisian border town of Dehiba, said. “They are in thousands. Hundreds arrived a few minutes ago. They are from several areas including Nalut, Yafran and Rajban,” he said by phone. Residents flee the region because of shelling, attacks and threats by Gaddafi’s forces.
NATO15:46 NATO conducted 42 strike sorties on April 16th. In the vicinity of Tripoli: Two ammunition bunkers destroyed, one Surface-to-air anti-aircraft site destroyed. In the vicinity of Misrata: One Armoured Personnel Carrier destroyed. In the vicinity of
Sirte: Two tanks, two equipment transporters, one artillery piece, one tank transporter, four ammunition storage sites and one ammunition bunker destroyed. In the vicinity of Zintan: One ammunition storage site damaged.
Al Manara15:39 Al Manara Media reports that opposition have complete control over Tripoli Street in Misrata.
Reuters13:30 Reuters British Prime Minister David Cameron on Sunday ruled out committing ground troops in Libya, saying it was important to adhere to a UN mandate and not to take action that could alienate the Arab world.
Al Jazeera13:20 Al Jazeera English Gaddafi’s troops have outflanked the body of opposition fighters on the edge of oil port Brega to attack Ajdabiya from the south, Al Jazeera’s Mike Hanna, reporting from just outside Ajdabiya, reports. A sandstorm has stopped NATO aircraft from targeting Gaddafi loyalists, he says, allowing them to overturn the strategic advances made by opposition fighters in the past few days.
AFP13:16 AFP Residents are fleeing Ajdabiya because of approaching Gaddafi forces. The western gate of Ajdabiya was bombed, and the sound of gunfire is drawing closer.
Al Jazeera11:45 Al Jazeera English At least six more people have been killed and 47 wounded in renewed shelling of Misurata, a spokesman for the anti-Gaddafi fighters tells Al Jazeera.
twitter11:01 Freelibyanyouth tweets that journalist Rana Alakbani was freed yesterday. She had been arrested on March 28th along with her brother, who was released a few days ago.
Al Jazeera10:33 Al Jazeera English Fierce fighting continues in both Ajdabiya and Misrata, where fresh artillery was fired at dawn, killing 5 people.
Al Manara01:11 Al Manara Media reports that one Tunisian soldier was killed and 3 others injured from Gaddafi forces bombing the border after entering Tunisian grounds. After the clashes, about 25 of Gaddafi’s men were arrested by the Tunisian army on Tunisian soil.
01:02 Wefaq Libya reports that opposition fighters in Misrata killed many of Gaddafi’s militia and defeated them in Tripoli Street’s market. In a failed attack by Gaddafi’s forces from the east, opposition fighters managed to destroy 5 tanks.
twitter01:00 ChangeInLibya reports that a large fire is raging in Misrata’s Tripoli Street, in the vegetable market where Gaddafi’s militias were based. Earlier, opposition fighters killed a number of Gaddafi’s forces in clashes, forcing them to retreat.
Al Jazeera00:38 Al Jazeera English Anti-aircraft fire and explosions have been heard in the Libyan capital Tripoli, however, it is not clear who exactly is being targeted in the attacks.
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21 Responses to April 17th Updates

  1. Sawyer says:
    great, now the coalition has 25 people it can interrogate to prove whether or not gaddafi payed mercenaries, have them tell the coalition where bases and ammunition depots are, and where all of the troops are located.
    if the coaliton doesn’t do this, then i will be dumbfounded.
  2. Mr. Gross says:
    I consider the attack on Tunisia as a declaration of war on Tunisia. Therefore Gaddafi is a warmonger and anyone else who supports him is entitled to be called a warmonger supporter.
    • Tianran says:
      That’s ….. a bit too early to say that. Gaddafi is insane but he’s no stupid alright. Declare war on a neutral when a civil war is going on………well, I don’t think that ever happened in the world’s history.
      • Kuros says:
        Well, he may use it for propaganda purposes, like saying that “the rebel are supported by Tunisian government so he has the right to attack Tunisian” or maybe a tactical move to force Tunisian to close their border to prevent any supply reaching rebel in the western region.
        Well Gaddafi surely ain’t stupid but what you can say about how the mind work of an insane leader anyway.
    • FreeLibya101 says:
      the guy is a master of psychological warfare.
      Now, his troops invading a country like Tunisia may just be retaliation, like back when Egypt tried to establish relations with Israel, he tried to invade it, but lost miserably to Egypt’s superior military power.
    • Patriot says:
      Fool others but not me.
      You are trying to get support of Tunisia in fighting in Libya for your behalf. This is typical the Western way. Creating conflict within brothers so they destroy themselves.
      Read more on Odyssey (the tittle of this war) and you will understand what is going on.
      Libya is not stupid to open another frontier before finishing internal war. Tunisia will be stupid to swallow this bait.
  3. Robin says:
    I am so very happy to know that sandstorms are aiding gaddafi’s forces to outflank these traitors of the Libyan people. They are no prodemocrazy fighters. Allah will help Gaddafi and he would succeed. The west is bombing Libya with Depleted Uraniumn which can be very harmful to people even years after it has been used, so who does Obama, Canmoron and Sarkozy think they can fool?
    • Kuros says:
      yeah yeah…. may Allah help the weak against the wicked…. but Allah may not help a fool and an ignorant. Only an insane people use an air strike to deal with protesters, and why do you think he cut down all communication in Libya.
      Your comment is a typical comment from a muslim that is ignorant of what is going on out there. well typical of Gaddafi supporter that is fanatic and rich from his money.
    • Reaper says:
      Okay, Not to get in to religious debate but do you really think that a
      all powerful god(Allah) would care about something like this, he’s got other things to worry about.
      PS:I’m american , so yeah
      for the freedom of Libya and the fall of Gaddafi
  4. FreeLibya101 says:
    great, now nato has an excuse to do nothing again.
  5. blaze says:
    WE need top pray for this mess to be over. There are too many children out there who are getting hurt.
  6. blaze says:
    We need to pray for this mess to be over. There are too many children out there who are getting hurt.
  7. Sakit says:
    Yeah, right. Now you have excuse to send Tunisia in your dirty, oil for west war, if necessary! No need for NATOIL to spend money on planes or NATOIL soldiers to die, there are Tunisians… WTF would Gaddafi do in Tunisia or regular Libyan army? Stupid, stupid lie.
  8. Patriot says:
    Forget Ghaddafi in this conflict and speak of Current and Opposition. This was a civil conflict until NATO and the so called “International Community” that only consist of few Western countries and their puppets (Qatar and Saudi Arabia) decided to bomb the country.
    Opposition is stupid to think the assets that are being bombed don’t belong to their country. Its more stupid to keep quiet while depleted uranium is being dropped all over the place.
    The opposition might hate Ghaddafi and its rule but the path they have taken is stupid. Ghaddafi with all his eccentric character is credited by making sure Libya owns its oil! The opposition is supporting people who are not only splitting the nation in two and destroying it but also people who will keep them in debt for years to come. They will have to repay these strikes which are ironically destroying Libya with their own oil!!
    Opposition should learn how changes come from within using non-violent means. The path chosen is of fighting and in fighting there are deaths, there is no need to cry when you have chosen path of death.
    Opposition is lead by puppets who are brainwashing you. You can make changes peaceful from within the country. Don’t be fooled that Libya is only Ghaddafi. Libya is made of many people and Ghaddafi can’t fight alone. He has sons and daughters of Libya defending the honour of Libya.
    You are fools to give West reason to destroy your country.
    • John says:
      @ Patriot the Gaddafi Supporter
      The protests were non violent and peaceful. It was Gaddafi and his brutal regime that decided to open fire with live bullets and kill hundreds!
      Why? Just because they protested for the release of a LAWYER who was seeking JUSTICE for the 1200 MUREDERED by GADDAFI!
      Gaddafi was making sure the money from LIBYA’S OIL goes to him and his family and few selected supporters and billions squandered around the world!
      The FOOLS are those that stand by this vicious criminal dictator Gaddafi!
      • Taj says:
        The sad reality of Libya.
      • patriot says:
        I have seen how the Western Powers tried to use the same way in Syria.
        They planted their people who shot on the crowd and on the police force. This way they made sure the police would retaliate accordingly and also they made sure the citizen would think the police used power on them.
        The whole operation from Benghazi was planned well in advance. This is why Sarkozy was so fast in recognizing his puppets.
        • UKResident says:
          …I have seen how the Western Powers tried to use the same way in Syria. They planted their people who shot on the crowd and on the police force…
          Have you indeed? Where is your evidence thatWestern Powers started shooting into crowds in Syria? I’d very much like to see it!
      • patriot says:
        You can fool some people some time but you can’t fool all the people all the time – Bob Marley.
        • patriot says:
          Why do you think they are quiet on Bahrain and Yemen?
          This is naked aggression against another country. Propaganda used is “humanitarian intervention”. I am not pro Ghaddafi but I am pro Libya. US Special Forces, CIA, etc were there months in advance in Benghazi. Gaddafi responded to this Insurretion and this is what is happening.
          How do you support rebels that are made up of mostly Al qaida recruits? They know in the end they will eliminate these as well.
          Odyssey Dawn is the name of operation, and this is from the the poem of Odysssey:
          “The next day, at Athena’s prompting, Penelope maneuvers the suitors into competing for her hand with an archery competition using Odysseus’ bow. The man who can string the bow and shoot it through a dozen axe heads would win. Odysseus takes part in the competition himself: he alone is strong enough to string the bow and shoot it through the dozen axe heads, making him the winner. He then turns his arrows on the suitors and with the help of Athena, Telemachus, Eumaeus and Philoteus the cowherd, he kills all the suitors.”
  9. Taj says: