Sunday, April 24, 2011

Remembering Tim Following the untimely death of our son whilst reporting on the humanitarian tragedy unfolding in Misrata, Libya, we have been comforted by the many messages of condolences

Tim HetheringtonRemembering Tim

Following the untimely death of our son whilst reporting on the humanitarian tragedy unfolding in Misrata, Libya, we have been comforted by the many messages of condolences and the tributes to Tim, sent from every corner of the world. Our thoughts at this time are also with the family of Tim's colleague, Chris Hondros, who sadly was killed in the same incident and with the other two photographers who were severely injured.
We hope this site will provide a suitable collection point for your views and be a conduit for messages to continue to reach us all. It humbles us to know that Tim touched so many people's lives in his chosen profession as well as throughout his life as a cherished son, brother, uncle, partner and a much loved friend. 

Thank you.
Alistair and Judith

We will be setting up a charitable organisation to continue Tim's humanitarian work around the world. This would be a suitable place, for all the kind friends wishing to remember Tim, to see and participate in the projects that inspired him. Information will be posted here in the coming days.
Please write your message below
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  • Eramelinda Boquer
    Dear Alistair and Judith - It's been such a long time since someone’s death has affected me as profoundly as Tim's. It felt as if a light had gone out in the world. On a planet that seems to grow increasingly cynical and apathetic - a terrible combination - the noble and gallant mission of Tim’s to wake us up to the terrifying and cruel existence of many of our "brothers and sisters" is so very important. When I saw "Restrepo" - Tim changed forever the way I thought about war and the young men who serve in such Dante-esque conditions. He had a touch that was just heartbreaking in both its tenderness and bluntness. He showed our wars and conflicts with compassion and clarity.

    For those of us touched forever by his vision, he makes us want to do more, to contribute something… to make this world a place that is so much more nurturing and infinitely much kinder to all its inhabitants.
  • NFSL
    We extend our deepest condolences for the passing away of Tim in Misrata. Tim & Chris's brave contributions will always be remembered, and their efforts in relaying the tragedy of Libyans to the world through their lenses will always be remembered and appreciated by Libyans.
  • Noway
    RIP! a brave man. He reviled the brutal force dictator is using against his ppl. Dictator could not handle it, he started targeting journalist.

    There is another great talent gone wasted :(
  • Ynitzari1
    What an extraordinary life these journalists lived. Their dedication to the truth must be commended. It is a horrible loss for us all that Tim and Chris met with their deaths at such a young age. Their legacy for future generations will be a genuine treasure of life-changing images.
  • Joel Redman
    Very sad indeed what happened. I've followed some of Tim's work over the years and have always been hugely inspired by the integrity and honesty in his work. His Oscar nominated film Restrepo resonated with me at the time and still does from time to time. It was very unique in that it gave us a genuine insight into war which often seems so far removed from what we know, this film more than any other before showed us the human torment involved. Very honest film which is reflected in Tim's photographic work as well.
    He'll be sorely missed...
  • Guest
    God bless you Tim and RIP. Thank you for everything you did for Libya
  • Bryn Scott
    R.I.P. For without your work, the world will be a different place.
  • Andrew J Green1969
    The world has lost a good man.
  • Alistair and Judith, I am so terribly sorry for your loss. I never met Tim, however I was a huge admirer of his work, for its obvious dedication to the stories being told as well as for the craftmanship so evident in the photographs. He was and and continues to be an inspiration.

    I have collected a large selection of links to memorials and tributes to both Tim and Chris posted on different media throughout the world. I hope it is appropriate for me to post the link here. Only sharing in case there are some tributes you might not yet have otherwise seen.
  • Linda Jones
    I am so sorry for your loss, and for the loss of Chris Hondros. My late husband was an Army photographer in Vietnam and would talk about how dangerous it was and how many colleagues he had lost. Your son and the others were very brave people. May their memory be a blessing.
  • Andrew
    Tim's work floods over with humanism and dedication and is an inspiration to us all. The world is a much poorer one without him, but his images, texts and voice will echo for a long time to come - not only for war photographers, but for all who would like this world to be a better place, and for all those victimized by war, on either side of the gun barrel and any side of the line of contact. Tim was a true humanist and global citizen, and left us far, far too soon. I, a diplomat of humanitarian affairs, hail You - our fearless hero of understanding and empathy! R.I.P.
  • Joe Fordham
    I will never forget hearing Mr Hetherington talk about his film Restrepo on NPR. He was supposed to be there talking up the film, but he spent the whole interview talking about the soldiers he lived with and friended in the Korengal. His desire to tell their story, and not be the story, came out elegantly in Restrepo. The next time someone speaks dismissively of the Mainstream Media as some homogeneous mass dedicated to socialist causes and self-aggrandizement, I will thing of Restrepo, and how Tim, with Sebastian Junger, let the soldiers tell their own stories. The world is a sadder place without him.
  • strasne! Mnoho stesti v nove kariere.
  • Onur
    Goodbye my Friend !
  • Tonyyuan962
    The world would be different without you
  • Priya
    I was privileged to meet Tim a couple of times at Host gallery. A student had come to see the Infidel exhibition. He was writing a dissertation on Tim and was hoping on the off chance that Tim would be there. Despite being in a hurry he spent as long as he could talking to the student and left his contact details when he had to go. I was struck that it was such a lovely thing to do – as well as being an amazing talent, he was a kind man. I am so sorry for your loss.
  • Finbarr O'Reilly
    Tim, Chris,

    Why do we do this..... is it worth it? It's only worth it until something like this happens. Then all bets are off. We choose this life, take these risks, and always hope nothing bad will happen. A permanent state of denial. But then it does happen and we are shocked. Maybe we shouldn't be. I remember saying to Tim two weeks ago, over a glass of whiskey in his Benghazi hotel room, that I was amazed no journalists had yet been seriously hurt or killed with the kind of fighting and shelling in Libya. We feared it was only a matter of time. To lose one of us is bad enough, but to lose two of the loveliest guys and talented journalists together, it's hard to bear.

    Not much you can do but choose the life you lead. You are responsible for it. We have the privilege of witnessing amazing events and meeting a broad spectrum of people, collecting a wealth of experiences, good and bad, that make our lives richer, more meaningful, at least to us. The trade off is risk and, sometimes, great loss. Usually the equation remains balanced and acceptable, then suddenly,...
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  • Bryanrebecca
    What a totally awesome picture!
  • Nobbi
    Ruhe in Frieden, Tim.
  • Bradb
    I remember the Big Issue days when you just started out.Living in Hackney with Dave and having a laugth with us. Your commitment was always clear to all . and what an insperation youve been.I think I speak for everyone that we'll miss you and remember you for the friend youve been
  • Sheridan
    Tim had such a unique outlook on the world, so many years ago when I met him in London. It is no surprise to learn he has achieved such great heights in both his career and as a person. All our love to his family, you must be so very proud of him.
    Love Sheridan and family xoxo
  • Dragon_lucu
    although I never meet Tim in person. But, I always amazed with his work. Tim, May you rest in peace and your vision will always remain.
  • Chris Kline
    I met you a few times Tim and always because we share James Brabazon as a dear friend and colleague. So the first time was at Lincoln Center and I sat with quiet awe at the combat footage you'd filmed in Liberia. The last time was when James and Jess were getting married. You were beaming and that James loved you like a brother was plain to see. I know how he mourns you and its strange your death has brought back every war ghost that I remember, but then perhaps that's appropriate because you worked so hard to ensure none of us would forget humanity's suffering. I wish I had known you better and spent time with you in the field.The legacy of your work is now immortal and the life you lived will inspire those of us who carry on the tradition of front line journalism you exemplified by your professionalism, art and compassion. When Robert Capa died his mates eulogizing him said he'd was moved by "a deep sympathy for men and women trapped in reality." You were cut from the same cloth, you are one of the greatest, like Alan Moorehead in WW2, you deserve to...
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  • Mani Sokoll
    Two years ago I hosted the opening event for World Press Photo exhibition in Zurich. Tim was our guest of honour and I had the chance and great pleasure of spending a few hours with him as well as interviewing him on stage about his work restrepo. An unforgettable moment with an extraordinary personalitity full of charm, always looking for justice, humanity and making a difference. I'm deeply shocked about his death and my compassion and prayers are with his family as well as with Chris Hondros'. Rest in peace Tim!
  • Jonathan Maher
    Incredibly sad end to an inspirational man.
  • Bridget Medley
    I remember Tim from his schooldays - a contemporary of my older son with whom he shared a 'Dr Livingstone' moment in the Gandamack Lodge in Kabul a few years love and prayers to you all...Bridget Medley
  • randa najem
    I know how difficult this must be for you. Tim were a great man,you are in our thoughts and prayers.Thanks for helping us!May God bless you and your family during this time and always.
    Dr Randa Najem(Libyan from Benghazi)
  • I knew Tim because of Liberia; I was writing a book on Liberian refugees in 2003, and watched An Uncivil War, then wrote to Tim. He was generous with his time and thoughts, when many wouldn't have been. We worked together again on a piece for the Independent about Milton Margai School, and I spent a day with him at Dorton House school for the blind in Surrey, where the kids from Milton Margai had come to visit. For them, he was Uncle Tim. They clearly adored him. I wrote about that here:

    That's what I so admired about him, that he stayed with the stories he did. I think that quality is what gave his work such power. He was a thoroughly charming man, with an appealing earnestness that came from his total commitment to what he was doing. I also liked the fact that he continually questioned the best way to convey what he wanted to convey; so he started as a books editor (I think I've got that right), but thought photography was more powerful, then film, then multimedia. There are very very few people working in the media who have that level of questioning of...
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  • Superman12_c
    As a Marine i understand the want to right the wrongs... he went above and beyond even my contributions to show the world how it really was... as it unfolded... my heart hurts for his family and friends as well as those of Chris Hondros.
  • Jan Australia
    I have just finished writing my Doctorate on the value of telling the difficult stories. Your son has paid the ultimate price for his commitment to just this. May his work inspire other photographers and filmmakers to have the courage to do the same. To show our connections to each other rather our differences.
  • London City Mum, Working a fine line between sanity and children. Wetsuit optional.
    Having seen Restrepo last year at a private viewing with a friend, I am saddened to hear about Tim's untimely death. His passion for his work shone through in the film and it left me very moved. Subsequent interviews he had with my friend - Clare MacNaughton - who was helping promote his work, further emphasised his drive and belief in what he did.
    My deepest sympathy for your loss.

    LCM x
  • DS
    Just watched Restrepo. Moving and beautiful film, rest in peace Tim, you risked your life for your art
  • Paulrobida
    The loss of a great talent !
  • Stefano and Laurence
    It has been a fantastic human experience to meet you 2 years ago in Lucca and I will always keep you in my heart. God bless you and your family. Stefano and Laurence
  • Office
    A dedicated person,for his humanity. All my thoughts and prayers are with his family.
  • Diana
    My condolences to the family of Tim Hetherington and Chris Hondros. War photojournalism and reporting requires more than a handful of courage. And the quest for truth. Rest in peace.

    (From Singapore)
  • Farhaj
    May God keep you and accept you Tim; and may he protect all who were touched his. & Hondros' work.
  • Adidru
    Condolences from Calarasi , Romania


    FREE Libya
  • Lauhaim
    He was one of the best in our journalistic world.
    He never compromised and he will be deeply missed in the world we live in.
    Laura HAIM White House Correspondent- CANAL PLUS I tele FRANCE
  • we most say big thanks to who pay him self for the libyan people to show to the all the world what the Gaddafi doing in his people be sure Remembering Tim all the the libyan will pray to the GOD to pless you all the libyan will love you forever we all Remembering Tim
  • غرياني حر
    we most say big thanks to who pay him self for the libyan people to show to the all the world what the Gaddafi doing in his people be sure Remembering Tim all the the libyan will pray to the GOD to pless you all the libyan will love you forever ...
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  • Alessandra
    You were a great man, I'll always remember your warm smile and your big heart. You really touched my heart.
  • I'm just a admirer. He wanted the world to know the truth and to be a better place, so we are poorer for his death, and as a parent I wanted to offer my condolences. He must have made you very proud.
  • Peter Merante
    Thank you, Tim, for providing a direct window to the world. My condolences to your family and friends.

    Peter M
    Fishers, IN
  • N Tabchoury
    A dedicated person, who provided the world with quality images, at great personal sacrifice and risk. Tim is truly a hero to his fellow photographers. Although I never knew Tim, I am deeply saddened and outraged that an amazing soul is taken from us so suddenly. All my thoughts and prayers are with his family.
  • Ferraria1975
    Condolences from Lake of Como , Italy

  • mother45
    Our thoughts and prayers go out to Judith, Alaistair, Victoria and Guy.
    Julia, Alexander and Cosima
  • Carlosthephotographer
    Tim's work and humanity will be miss...
  • Brent D Oconnor
    Lest we forget.
    Tim you are in my thoughts.
    Real good memories mate.
    And i,ll forever have them

  • The photo is from happier times, which so many people shared with you, in every place you went. I'll always think of you full of smiles, enthusiasm and determination - inspirational.

  • Condolences from Hanoi, Vietnam. Your spirit and legacy will live on.
  • Bleekerk
    Tim, Chris and collegues brought the tragedy under the eyes of the world. Now it is your tragedy more than ever. My sincere condolences to all envolved. (from The Netherlands)
  • Condolences to you and all the family. To me, Tim was a great photographer, but you have lost so much more, as has Chris' family.
  • moss
    Deepest condolences from Bahrain.
  • DinaLee2011
    This is so terribly sad. Remember in these hard times to nestle not wrestle in Gods loving arms. God bless you and yours.
  • Toxtethtracey
    Condolences from Liverpool where Tim was born
  • Chitra
    deep condolences from Bangalore India
  • Jerry
    I discovered your sons wonderful work only a year ago and am much more enlightened from doing so. His death at far too young an age is a loss to all interested in the why of conflict . As a parent I can only imagine your feelings be comforted by his contribution to the world.
  • Karla
    Deepest condolences from the Philippines.
  • So incredibly sad. RIP Tim and Chris.
  • Vwoolf
    So sorry! RIP Tim and Chris!
  • D King
    I trained as a photojournalist, but went back to University to study science and anthropology, so I haven't worked much; war photography has been a deep interest of mine for years, and the work of Tim Hetherington, among others, was work I kept a constant eye on. You never expect them to get hit, even though if you are involved in the business, you will be well aware of the statistics. The work of photojournalists like Tim Hetherington & Chris Hondros is often - even these days - the only record, and is quite often referenced in court actions determining whether a war crime has occurred; it is vital (literally) work. The loss of Tim Hetherington shocked me. Only a little older than me, I've followed his career for a long time. My heart goes out to the families, partners, friends - lucky enough to have known these men well. I love the idea of a humanitarian foundation - perhaps one that could provide scholarships for those particularly interested in war and forensic documentation, whether through film or still photography? I feel sure that this would have been lauded by Tim & Chris, and is an entirely appropriate memoriam. Again,...
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  • Andrea
    To the Family of Tim,
    I am so sorry for your loss. Your family is in my prayers. I also will pray for Chris' family too.

  • Soraya
    God takes soonest those he love the best. May the peace which comes from the memories of love shared, comfort all who love him now and in the days ahead.
  • Elhassia
    لكم احر التعازي لفقد هذا الرجل الذي ناضل من أجل الحريه لشعب لا يملك السلاح ضد الطاغيه القذافي ولن ننسي صنيعه معنا أبداً
    شكرا شكرا شكرا
  • Dionsculptures
    We all share your devastating loss. Your son has become our son, our brother: he lives on.
  • Andy Usher
    Although I was not fortunate enough to meet Tim or Chris, I do admire them for having the passion and bravery to bring us their amazing work.
    They are a great loss to the world.
    My thoughts are with both Tim's and Chris's families.

    Andy Usher
  • I am deeply sorry for you loss. Human beings as your son Tim are scarce. His dedication to bring to our knowledge what is happening in our world has been extremely valuable and thanks to his work we can have a real picture of the truth.
    I know he is enjoying now eternal peace. THANK YOU TIM.
    He will be in my prayers today and very specially, because as a catholic that I am, I am celebrating with my community Jesus Christ Resurrection.
    Rosa Santorroman
  • Bill Smirnow
    I can't begin to imagine what you must be going through but want to pas along both my deepest condolences and my respect for someone with so much courage, putting his life on the line to try to make the world a better place. Your son is a thumbs up success and someone to be looked at who's lived a very worthwhile life and is a great example of countless others to aspire to emulate. I hope you have a little time to look at this:
  • I_guider
    I'm sorry for your loss. He'll be in our prayers.
    Benghazi Libya
  • jb
    I'm sorry for your loss. He'll be in our prayers.
  • Wani
    I hope to be just like Tim in a few years. Thank you for capturing scenes that can't be put into words and being fearless in the face of death.

    The whole world mourns the loss of a true public servant.

    Forever a legend, and always my idol.
  • John Robertson
    I'm sorry for your loss. Restrepo is one of the greatest movies I've ever seen and I believe it will be his legacy. What a great one to have.
  • The_porcelain_tears
    Rest in Peace Tim...really sorry to hear that another brave man dies because of ignorance of the others... Politicians are malicious animals. Your bravery and courage to show us what happened in reality in this troubled world will be remembered and honored...You are always on our minds and in our hearts...
  • Mohamed
    A truely courageous man, one of the heros of the Libyan movement. I would like to send a message to Tim's family and friends and say we, the people of Libya, are so sorry for your loss and Tim will never be forgotton. RIP Tim
  • Jacqueline Steele
    I am very sorry. I wish the world was filled with more "Tims". I pray that the love expressed for your son from all over the world, by those whom Tim touched, will offer you comfort in your grief. God bless such a wonderful person, and may peace be with you.
  • S kumar
    Our sincere condolences to Tim's family and friends for this tragic loss. Tim spent a few days in my unit in Daru, Sierra Leone( UNAMSIL). He created magic with a small manually operated camera and B&W film. True to his word he reverted with enlarged copies which are treasured in the unit. When congratulated he smiled and said,"you should see the ones that I do'nt print".
  • David Bingham and Family
    Our sincere condolences to you Alistair, Judith, Guy and Victoria and the children. We are devastated by your tragic loss of Timothy.We have tried to make contact without success and we hope to be able to speak soon. We are currently in the South of France where we spent many happy holidays when the children were young and we have many happy memories to treasure.
    It was always clear that Tim was destined to be a high achiever and back in 1975 we thought he would become Pope!
    However he took another turning and when he became a photographer we were delighted to commission him to photograph Thames Court next to the Thames. The pictures were destined for the structural steel design awards and when we collected them were rather taken aback by Tim's black and white presentation having assumed they would be colour in line with all the other submissions. We stood back and realised that these pictures were something special in their own right and turned architecture into an art form.
    We won the award and this was due as much to Tim as the rest of the project team.
    It was clear that Tim would not settle...
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  • Justin
    My deepest sympathies to the Hetherington family, the whole world bears a small bit of the pain of your loss.


  • rosegeorge3 via    twitter
    A condolence page for Tim Hetherington, via @audreygillan
  • audreygillan via    twitter
    @rosegeorge3 Did you see Tim's family have a remembrance page now? Turns out he was friends with friend of mine...
  • RT @audreygillan: The family of Tim Hetherington have set up a remembrance page
  • audreygillan via    twitter
    The family of Tim Hetherington have set up a remembrance page
  • annadonners via    twitter
    RE: @foto8 Condolences from Hanoi, Vietnam. Your spirit and legacy will live on.
  • stewartweir via    twitter
    RT @FreeLeebeya: #TimHetherington 's family has set up a website; Pass on messages to his family #Libya #Feb17
  • teppdude via    twitter
    “@samgustin: Remembering Tim.”
  • samgustin via    twitter
    Remembering Tim.