Friday, April 22, 2011

"They must halt the siege of Misrata and allow aid and medical care to reach the victims

UN Human Rights Chief Condemns Use of cluster Munitions in Libya
    2011-04-21 05:24:05     Xinhua       Web Editor: liuranran
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay on Wednesday condemned the reported use of cluster munitions and heavy weaponry by Libyan government forces in their siege to the city of Misrata.
"Such attacks on densely populated urban areas, resulting in substantial civilian casualties, could amount to international crimes," said the UN Human Rights chief in a statement. Philly urged the Libyan authorities to face the reality that they are digging themselves and the Libyan population deeper and deeper into the quagmire.
"They must halt the siege of Misrata and allow aid and medical care to reach the victims of the conflict," she said.
The high commissioner welcomed the news that Libya on Monday agreed to the setting up of a UN humanitarian presence in Tripoli. She also urged NATO forces to exercise the utmost caution and vigilance so as not to kill civilians by mistake.