BREAKING: NALUT: Reports that NATO jets are striking Gaddafi forces north of Nalut, which were responsible for recent GRAD shelling
nafusa-map-Jul8 New map with approximate battle lines as interpreted from twitter posts #libya JUL6 = http://goo.gl/sE78Z JUL8 = http://flic.kr/p/a1Gws6
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
chantalrebelle chantal rebelle
Nalut: Rapports que les jets de l'OTAN frappe forces Kadhafou au nord de Nalut, qui étaient responsables d récents bombardements GRAD #libye
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
BREAKING: NALUT: Reports that NATO jets are striking Gaddafi forces north of Nalut, which were responsible for recent GRAD shelling #libya