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#Libya - Some mines in Brega have anti-handling devices wired that connect triggers of several mines, detonating all if one is triggered.
Good article shedding light on mine fields near #Brega.- #Libya 's FF struggle with mines as war drags on. #FF #feb17
#Libya's rebels struggle with mines… by @rania_ElGamal ''After a car blows up, we know the whole road has mines''
#Libya's FFs struggle with mines around #Brega, one of the last strongholds of #Gaddafi's forces on the way to Tripoli
FFs continue to dismantle the mines in #Brega: (Arabic) #Libya
@xOneStepBehind because non had 45.000 anti tank or anti personnel mines planted in and around the city #Libya #Brega
Libya in real a minefield can stopp troops only between hours-3days not longer!FF must not clear all mines in the area to go forward #brega