#Sebha : Reports: #Gaddafi forces that were in #Tawirgha have been transferred to #Sebha , to quell South FF via @sabha17feb #Feb17 #Libya
Luridu Laura Dumas
LIBYA-El pueblo libio está movilizado.Multitudinarias concentraciones(Zlitan,Zawiya,Sebha,Sirte,Tripoli)condenando agresiones y pidiendo PAZ
freedom4libya Khalifa Leebee
PatrioticLibyan Aiman Amer
septimius_sever septimius severus
Protests in #Sebha & Billboard burnt!! ابطال سبها و ثورتهم ضد العقيم القذافىyoutube.com/watch?v=6zPuLI… #Libya #Feb17
#Sebha #Libya protests tiny.cc/leqwy #feb17 < @BintHOPEreliefand I m still sorry :(
acarvin Andy Carvin
What are they chanting? RT @septimius_sever: Check this video out -- مظاهرة من سبها http://youtu.be/0q8645grJGo #Sebha #Libya#Feb17