Friday, July 22, 2011

Laughter is the best medicine - and, in #Libya, the sharpest weapon

Ongo News 
Street art depicts Muammar Gaddafi as a figure of ridicule. In the cartoons, his head variously has the body of a bat, chicken and snake, or is represented as a nail being yanked out by a hammer.Nearby, the old police station is gutted by fire, while a former regime building is coated in graffiti such as "Vive la Révolution de 17 Feb" and "We write our history by our blood". In Zintan town square, reanointed "Tahrir Square" after it became the crucible for February's local uprising, humour is the weapon of choice against the Libyan government. Military vehicles captured from Gaddafi were paraded before crowds in the square earlier this month. Now the heart of the town is also the heart of the struggle against Gaddafi in Libya's arid, sun-scorched western mountains