@NewsInLibyaNews in Libya
Libya #freefighter prepare for push on Tripoli: reports: Libya rebel leaders said this weekend that will try to... http://dlvr.it/Yn6Xr
Leaders of Libya’s rebel forces say they are ready to launch an offensive toward Tripoli, the capital city controlled by embattled leader Muammar Qaddafi, from an enclave southwest of the capital. The announcement came after NATO intensified airstrikes in the west of the country and as the African Union (AU) put forward a plan for peace negotiations and urged its member states not to honor anInternational Criminal Court (ICC) arrest warrant for Colonel Qaddafi.
Rebel spokesman Colonel Ahmed Omar Bani told reporters in Benghazi, the rebel capital in the east, late on Saturday that rebel fighters will advance from their stronghold in the Nafusa mountains within two days,reports the AFP international news service. They will try to recapture territory on the plains, on the road to Tripoli, which could put them within striking distance of the capital.
NewsInLibya News in Libya
NewsInLibya News in Libya
Libya #freefighter prepare for push on Tripoli: reports: Libya rebel leaders said this weekend that will try to... http://dlvr.it/Yn6Xr
Tripoli girls are working too against #Gaddafi and here's the proof =#Libya-- ائتلاف فتيات 17 فبراير youtube.com/watch?v=WP7fI_… via @youtube
Gaddafi: 'If your family does not come out to demonstrate on Friday you will never see your son again' #Libya #Tripoligoogle.com/hostednews/afp…