#Libya feb17: Mustafa Abdel Jalil said FFs would continue their offensive during #Ramadan, which begins earl… (cont)http://deck.ly/~BwPil
#Libya feb17: Mustafa Abdel Jalil said FFs would continue their offensive during #Ramadan, which begins early next month. “The war will end in one of three ways,” Jalil said. “#Gaddafi will surrender, he will flee #Libya, or he will be killed or captured by one of his bodyguards or by rebel forces.” #Libya #Feb17
GihanTadreft Gihan Badi
#Libya feb17: Mustafa Abdel Jalil said FFs would continue their offensive during #Ramadan, which begins earl… (cont)http://deck.ly/~pDtif
forumeditor Lynda Keen
"Gaddafi can stay in #Libya but it will have conditions," Mr Jalil said. And the @IntlCrimCourt arrest warrant? http://tgr.ph/ohW10C#NTC
littlelisa8 Lisa
RT “@LIBYA_BREAKNEWS: Mustafa Abdul Jalil: We have conclusive evidence of #Gaddafis involvment in the #Lockerbie #Bombing. #Libya #feb17”
littlelisa8 Lisa
RT “@LIBYA_BREAKNEWS: Mustafa Abdul Jalil: I will not put myself forward for presidency after #Gaddafi has gone. #Libya #feb17”