#Nalut still in total darkness for last 3days due to shelling by Gaddafiforces of power grids #Libya v @nalut17febyoutube.com/watch?v=0JNDt7…
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RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
FreeBenghazi Libya.elHurra
#Nalut still in total darkness for last 3days due to shelling by Gaddafiforces of power grids #Libya v @nalut17febyoutube.com/watch?v=0JNDt7…
FreeBenghazi Libya.elHurra
#Nalut continues to b bombed tonight by Gaddafiforces,sounds of GRADS&mortars falling in different parts of city v @nalut17feb #libya
moiatable moi a table
@cjchivers 32° 1'26.99"N 10°53'52.31"E & 31°55'49.15"N 11° 4'12.54"E Heavy presence of G troops near #Nalut #Nafusa #Libya