Friday, July 29, 2011

Summary Nalut - Takut liberated from Gaddafiforces; free flag flying over the ancient palace. Some planted mines removed

freebenghaziTakut liberated from Gaddafiforces; free flag flying over the ancient palace. Some planted mines removed.#Libya #nalut v @nalut17feb2 days ago 9 
freebenghaziThuwar found many weapons & ammo inside civilian homes in Ghazaya but found no families in the town v @nalut17feb #Libya #nalut24 hours ago 5 
fromjoanneFOOTAGE of Leaving for BATTLE OF #GHZAYA this Morning #Libya #Nalut2 days ago 5 
libya-breaknewsBREAKING BREAKING: 10s of #Gaddafi forces have been captured from the city of Takout and they have been taken to #Nalut!! #Libya #feb172 days ago 7 
freebenghaziGRAD rockets now falling on #Nalut city #Libya v @nalut2 days ago 3