@Abdullah_SHAbdullah El Sherif
gigarevolt gigarevolt
Many reports that #Zliten has been liberated and FF are pushing west to assist the uprising in #AlKhums. #Libya #Feb17 #RaceForTripoli
layla111111 Alex Brown
RT @Abdullah_SH: Confirmed: fighting taken place inside #Alkhums between FF & GF after liberated #Zliten #Libya
Abdullah_SH Abdullah El Sherif
EndTyranny101 Ahmed Sanalla
#Zliten: bit.ly/q7NDiA current reported location of FF marked on map as 'Kiam' half way between #Alkhums & #Zliten..#Libya
LOrion LOrion
RT @LibyanLion17: G forces are now most likely at Wadi Ka'am and #AlKhums. FF securing #Zliten. Mosques chanting Allahu Akbar (God is Great)
librev2011 ThEsToRmX!
@LibyanLion17 @libyanproud in few hours I agree, #FF in #AlKhums are waiting and they are ready with some surprises for #Gaddafi forces ;-)
layla111111 Alex Brown
RT @LibyanLion17: G forces are now most likely at Wadi Ka'am and #AlKhums. FF securing #Zliten. Mosques chanti… (cont)deck.ly/~pvjPy
LibyanLion17 A Free Libyan
Alkhums Alkhums City - Libya
#Alkhums #Libya دول التحـــالف اللإســـلامى والدولــــى تلقى مناشير تطالب الناس بالإبتعـــاد عن المجمع الإدارى... fb.me/1bmEnJNM1
perfectsliders perfectsliders
Abdullah_SH Abdullah El Sherif
Abdullah_SH Abdullah El Sherif
Abdullah_SH Abdullah El Sherif
Abdullah_SH Abdullah El Sherif
sharon_lynch sharon lynch
RT @LibyanLion17: Many youth arrested today in #AlKhums by G men. Pray for them and #PrayforAlKhums - Via @Alkhums - #Libya #Feb17
LibyanLion17 A Free Libyan
Many youth arrested today in #AlKhums by G men. Pray for them and #PrayforAlKhums - Via @Alkhums - #Libya #Feb17