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Reuters: Rebels march on as rescue of Tripoli foreigners planned: SURMAN, Libya (Reuters) - Thousands of foreigne...adf.ly/2OiUh
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(Reuters) - Thousands of foreigners trapped in Tripoli by rebel advances that have cut off the Libyan capital will be evacuated in a massive international rescue, probably by sea, an international body said on Friday.
After months of stalemate, rebels have transformed the battlefield this week by seizing the city of Zawiyah west of the capital and cutting off Tripoli. The rebels seized another nearby town on Friday, extending their grip on the strategic coastal highway that links Tripoli to the outside world.
NATO war planes pounded targets in the capital overnight. Libyan officials brought journalists to a residential district where a compound of several large buildings was blasted to pieces. Neighbours said it belonged to Abdullah al-Senussi, Gaddafi's brother-in-law and head of intelligence.
In another sign the fighting is hitting closer to Gaddafi's inner circle, the brother of the spokesman who has served as the Tripoli government's public face was reported killed in a front line city. The government blamed NATO attack helicopters.