wdmacr Wayne
#NATO loves that place! RT @RRowleyTucson: #Tripoli: Reports #NATO hitting walls & guard towers of #BabAlAziziya. #Libya #Feb17”
lukehellum Luke Hellum
@Cdaniels0 Something's happening in #babalaziziya, Ghadafi's military barracks. But, while we wait, I want bug fixes!!!
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
debceal deborah
RT“@RRowleyTucson: #NATO is asking people in #Tripoli to stay 2 Km away from #BabAlAziziya especially on Saturday. #Libya #Feb17”
LOrion LOrion
RT @RRowleyTucson: #NATO is asking people in #Tripoli to stay 2 Km away from #BabAlAziziya especially on Saturday. #Libya @richardengelnbc
LOrion LOrion
RT @RRowleyTucson: #Tripoli: Reports #NATO hitting walls & guard towers of #BabAlAziziya. #Libya #Feb17 @richardengelnbc
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#NATO is asking people in #Tripoli to stay 2 Km away from #BabAlAziziya especially on Saturday. #Libya #Feb17
Marguer_d Marguerite Dehler
RT @rrowleytucson: #Tripoli: Reports #NATO hitting walls & guard towers of #BabAlAziziya. #Libya #Feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
pedromacv Peter Macanas
Nor a single stone can remain from the #BabAlAziziya Compound when #Tripoli is liberated. #FreeTripoli .