Thursday, August 18, 2011

Big news if true, misrata ff joined zliten ff and the reached the hospital of zliten, Morale of #Zliten FF is high.

changeinlibyaZliten: Reports that local fighters tried a few daring operations today and that Misrata FF are trying to push forward beyond Zliten #libya10 hours ago 9 
deadmoshunreports that misrata ff joined zliten ff and the reached the hospital of zliten that is big news #libya #zliten#feb179 hours ago 
freedomgrouptvMorale of #Zliten FF is high. They urged #Misrata FF to help them & their families. Misrata FF going2 aid their brothers in Zliten #Libya4 hours ago 
feb17voicesLPC #Misrata Doctor: 3 injured, one critically from mortar shrapnel in #Zliten. Transported to field hospital (outskirts of Zliten#Libya6 hours ago 9 
freedomgrouptvGaddafi forces shelled Daub mosque w RPG to stop Takbir & burned 2 AlBaza homes. There r snipers on top of hospital&hotel. #Zliten #Libya4 hours ago 
freedomgrouptv#FF were martyred and #5 injured in battle to liberate #Zliten today. Fighting was centred in AlBaza, central Zliten#Libya7 hours ago 5 
zlitniya#Zliten :FF control the city centre&hospital.Currently fighting has halted.City awaits advance of Misrata&Zliten FF frm East of city #Libya7 hours ago 7 
libyanlion17East of #Tripoli has been kicking off. #Gmata#AlKhums#Tarhouna and now #Zliten. FF active in all. Pray for them. #Libya #Feb1712 hours ago 22 
shabablibyaLots happening in Tripoli, Tarhouna and Zliten amongst others.The beginning of the end is already underway, rabi yansoorhum inshallah #Libya3 hours ago