RT “@emmaomo2011: Clashes between FF and G thugs in #Tarhuna after FF seize a truck filled with ammo and arms #Libya”
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libyanproud libyanandproud
bint_tarhouna Free Libyia
Via @AlmanaraMedia clashes between #Tarhuna FFs and #Gaddafi thugs in the centre of #Tarhuna. FFs using home made fish bombs. #Libya
bint_tarhouna Free Libyia
Via @AlmanaraMedia: #Tarhuna FF stopped Alme3arfi Brigade entering #Msallata from South, G thugs now trying to enter from East. Rabi yester
LibyanLion17 A Free Libyan
libyanproud libyanandproud
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Tripoli: Heavy fighting taking place now between #Freedomfighters& Gaddafi filth in #Tarhuna, #AlDarshan & #AlDawwn. #Libya #Feb17
libyanproud libyanandproud
rf_in_the_bush Richard Fleming
@SteveMcCluskey @plemochoe #Tarhuna and #Msallata could be key if it were possible for #FF to gain (maybe alr… (cont)http://deck.ly/~xfaDC
jmrasor John Rasor
@libyanproud @Strapazzaburdok There's a place Madrasat al Qalil btwn #AlKhums and #Tarhuna -- could this be Msalata?
rf_in_the_bush Richard Fleming
@BirgerHost They may be better placed to block at #Tarhuna as they can approach through mountains. Given th… (cont)http://deck.ly/~owdXa