GHeinz about #Msallata in #Libya, just now: "helis are in briefing now for misllatta nice party for daffis follow soon" disq.us/2wzvpc
Retweeted by gloru_09 and others
QdiyatnaAlhuria Nusaiba
The town of #Msallata is under siege and surrounded by #Gaddafiforces - growing fears of imminent bloodbath. http://bit.ly/qGQT7Q #Libya
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Msallata: #Gaddafi filth took control of the center of the city after fierce clashes with #Freedomfighters. #Libya #Feb17
emmaomo2011 emmaomo
#Msallata: G thugs took control of the centre of the city after fierce clashes with FF via @ZlitenFree #Libya
MiniMartJob MiniMartJobs
RT @perfectsliders Maps #Msallata #feb17 #Libya Southwest of Zliten, small clashes, Gforces Al Khums shut down cityhttp://goo.gl/jT4Sh
LibyanLion17 A Free Libyan
emmaomo2011 emmaomo
Report that a Genocide is about to occur in Msallata and Tarhuna if there is no support @NATO @NATOpress @UKMILOps #libya
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
We're seeing a repeat of Zawiya and Qatrun in a small town calledMsallata which is close to Khums... Gaddafi forces surrounding town #libya
malvernchela Suzanne
Useful! RT @libyanproud Map showing where clashes in #Msallata and #Tarhuna happened last night twitpic.com/60zm83 #Feb17 #Libya