@septimius_severseptimius severus
A Qatari plane offloaded six pick-up trucks which were packed with ammunition in #Misrataaje.me/oEu2yh #Libya"
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septimius_sever septimius severus
A Qatari plane offloaded six pick-up trucks which were packed with ammunition in #Misrata aje.me/oEu2yh #Libya"
Qatari plane supplies ammunition to Libya rebelshttp://goo.gl/fb/e4l1d #libya
EndTyranny101 Ahmed Sanalla
A Qatari plane reportedly stopped in #Misrata to offload ammunition destined for FF fighters. aje.me/oEu2yh #Libya #Qatar RT @AJELive
bertyapriani uray berty apriani
RT @AJELive A Qatari plane reportedly stopped in #Misurata to offload ammunition destined for rebel fighters. aje.me/oEu2yh #Libya
tel4rent Tel4rent
Qatari plane supplies ammunition to #Libya rebels: A Qatariplane made a quick stop in the... http://www.innhotels.info/f79rk #tel4rent
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Qatari airplane makes stop in Misrata to offload ammunition for revolutionaries - #libya #feb17 - goo.gl/CzYqK
NPSusa Neil
Qatari plane supplies ammunition to Libya rebels | Reuters |af.reuters.com/article/libyaN…
emmaomo2011 emmaomo
Qatari plane supplies ammunition to Libya rebelsreuters.com/article/2011/0… #Libya
SureFollowBack #TeamFollowBack
Qatari plane supplies ammunition to Libya rebelshttp://dlvr.it/f752z #TEAMFOLLOWBACK
deans2cents Dean Thoreau
Deans News Post Qatari plane supplies ammunition to Libyarebels: http://bit.ly/rfflY4
DTNLibyaUnrest DTN Libya Uprising
DTN Libya Uprising: Qatari premier, Gulf dignitaries, offer condolences to Prince Salman: RIYADH: Qatari Prime M...http://bit.ly/q9JZll
BNN_News_Intl BNN News Int'l
Eh? This website claims there's Qatari Military and Armor on the ground in libya, unlikely but can anyone confirm/deny?empirestrikesblack.com/2011/08/breaki…
nit2am nit2am
BREAKING: Libyan rebels in total disarray; social momentum building against them; Qatari troops on the ground:empirestrikesblack.com/2011/08/breaki… #libya