@tonybirtley i recommend you read this article written by a libyan about the medias role in libyaunboundcore.blogspot.com
All we needed to know about Libya was whatever Gaddafi’s multimillion contract PR agents came up with; even if it meant the terms human rights, reform and democracy in the same sentence as Gaddafi, or with any of the names of his budding spawn! Come on, the image really worked for a while, didn't it? You see, sometimes, when the price is really, really right, we just tend to go with the flow.
Libyans: Irrelevant People, to Prevalent Rule
Is it mere coincidence that Gaddafi State TV is quoted every time the regime pulls off a PR stunt? If international media, in the name of impartiality, is adamant to justify sharing Gaddafi’s views with their viewers then why shouldn’t this occur on a frequent basis? Gaddafi’s TV has been broadcasting uninterruptedly since the start of unrest in February this year.
Quite recently on Gaddafi TV, a ration package was shown, by the infamous riffle-wielding presenter, on the basis that “rebel held” (liberated) areas in Libya were living off international food aid. However, the allegation was not merely to indicate any potential food shortages in troubled parts of the country but to accuse the “traitor rebel rats” of forcing people to eat pork. To add insult to injury the actual ration pack had the word “Beef” unmistakably printed on it. Nonetheless, Libyan viewers are assumed stupid enough to take the presenters word for it. The presenter proceeded to open the package and repeatedly claim that Libyans were now "eating pork" because of the treachery and conspiracy of the “crusading NATO rebels”. Of course, eating pork, out of choice, is forbidden in Islam. To such effect Gaddafi has so desperately played on religious sentiments since the No Fly Zone was implemented; widely interpreted though it has been. The "NATO Crusading Rebels" title seamlessly replaced the Al-Qaeda brand initially attributed to Libya’s opposition by Gaddafi. Alleged civilian victims suddenly became “Muslim Imams” targeted by the infidel crusaders.
Gaddafi’s sons have also ascertained the role of the clergy. Saif and Saadi have both dabbled with Islamic doctrine to try and quash opposition to their apparently holy father, mainly by justifying the killing of those that disobey him. Saadi even appeared showing off his collection of Islamic textbooks. These books were stacked in piles all several feet high on a bar slab in clear view of his collection of beer, wine and spirit glasses. The logical travesty of this scene aside, Gaddafi state TV still presented it as evidence of the bearded son of a dictator’s religious credibility. Libyan viewers, ignorant pathetic crowd fillers that Gaddafi assumes them to be, and having lost their ability to think for themselves, will believe the all-knowing Gaddafi household and praise his son’s inherently undisputable Islamic acumen.
Another second generation Gaddafi that hasn’t hesitated to trample all over Libya’s commonsense is Mousa Ibrahim al-Gaddafi. Use of his father’s name instead of his family name, perhaps, makes his vile decrees that little bit less cringe-worthy, although finding anything more sickening than his slimy guise of pathological lies is likely to be impossible. He openly boasts about his 15 year accolade in the UK. Surely, all Libyans have had the opportunity to enjoy state sponsored overseas studies for such duration; only to return home to a government official post. During his explanation for Mousa Kousa's departure from Libya, he did not hesitate to admit that Libyans often sought medical treatment in Tunisia and that an ill and aging Mousa Kousa travelled there for this purpose. News of the defection aside, Mousa Ibrahim’s hesitation, at Libya’s humiliating dependency on neighbouring nations for essential services the government claims to provide, leaves little for the imagination in terms of the regime’s cover-up culture. Mousa Ibrahim Gaddafi went as far as to denounce God's ability to decide the fate of Libyans, on live television. Perhaps the fate of Libyans is something Gaddafi alone is worthy of deciding as according to the heretic scriptures of his murderous cult, the green book, which incidentally teaches that “all Libyans are Muammar Gaddafi”.
Cities near Tripoli, crushed by Gaddafi at the start of the uprising, are treated with the regime's according decor.
The world sadly embraced the regime’s second generation, as it indirectly did Gaddafi, and had no issue in grooming them for the roles they prematurely and unlawfully began to inherit. Syria’s current massacre is living proof of despot descendants keeping it in the family. You’d think the sons would lighten up a little but the bastard’s tend to take to their bastard fathers. So was it wrong of the world's conscience to have pandered to Gaddafi over the past decade or so? After all, Gaddafi’s regime splashed so much cash around it made internet porn seem scarce; billions on hedge funds and hundreds of millions on leisure alone. The Gaddafis’ self bestowed right to burn Libyan money was not for anyone to judge, was it? Their father funded terrorism, he let a few thousand heads role here and there, but he got away with it and that’s what counts. He must have been on to something. His sons were buying real-estate, hosting fashion shows, throwing VIP parties, sponsoring art, sport and education institutions. What was not to like? They weren’t just on our side in the War on Terror, filling their jails with bearded men, or just stopping waves of African migrants washing up on Europe’s shores and not enslaving them in any way. They had plans to make Libya the Norway of North Africa. Plus, their slobbering accents conveniently reinstated our intellectual superiority. That was always going to be a bonus. Of course, we let them have their fun, PhDs, prizes, titles... the works! Simply too much was at stake for Western and Eastern corporate interests. Why scratch the surface? Libyans opposed to Gaddafi could count their blessings for being granted refugee status in Europe and America. Minimum wage, baby! Bloody immigrants can count their blessings for making it to the Free World. Libyans in Libya were left to deal with it. Exiled, imprisoned or executed loved ones? Victims of torture or persecution themselves? Time was meant to be the greatest healer! Libyans were not exactly at risk of starvation like other African nations, which we all trusted Gaddafi would do something about; the African visionary that he is (wink, wink...).
All we needed to know about Libya was whatever Gaddafi’s multimillion contract PR agents came up with; even if it meant the terms human rights, reform and democracy in the same sentence as Gaddafi, or with any of the names of his budding spawn! Come on, the image really worked for a while, didn't it? You see, sometimes, when the price is really, really right, we just tend to go with the flow.