libyanproud libyanandproud
#Sebha : #Gaddafi forces are gathering at the eastern entrance of Sebha near "Ga'at Alsha'ab" . #Feb17 #Libya via @sabha17feb
RT @perfectsliders #Libya #Feb17 NATO Bombing #Gaddafiforces in #Zawiyaand #Sebha tonight
perfectsliders perfectsliders
Inphinite_ S. Al.
Waqqarazeem Waqqar Azeem
@LibyaLiberation: bloody rebels and their supporters. #Sebhawas desert and #gaddafi made it #green gurda to mahdiya, from jadeed to nasriya
Aliashushi Free Libya
Many parts of #sebha have been without water or electricty for almost two weeks! #Libya #GadaffiCrimes
m0j0working mojoworking
Waqqarazeem Waqqar Azeem
LibyaLiberation Libyan Liberation
Waqqarazeem Waqqar Azeem
sharon_lynch sharon lynch
RT @libyanproud: #Sebha : #NATO bombed Fares brigade and the airport , no electricity or water . via @sabha17feb #Feb17 #Libya
Libya_from_FR Sarah LFFR
#Sebha : L'OTAN a bombardé la brigade Fares et l'aéroport, pas d'eau ni d'électrécité. #Libya #17feb v @libyanproud @Sabha17Feb
libyanproud libyanandproud
#Sebha : #NATO bombed Fares brigade and the airport , no electricity or water . via @sabha17feb #Feb17 #Libya
Desertandy andy
@bugpopper #Sebha : Protests in Manshya are still ongoing, FF have blown up the #Gadaffi security building (Mataba) . via @s
libyanproud libyanandproud
#Sebha : Protests in various areas of Sebha, clashes ongoing between FF and #Gadaffi security forces. via @AlmanaraMediaFB #Feb17 #Libya
libyanproud libyanandproud
#Sebha : Sebha FF last night surrounded and entered residence of Mansour Abdalhafeed who had escaped earlier. via @sabha17feb #Feb17 #Libya