Libya's Rebels Tighten the Noose Around Gaddafi's Capital A trio of battlefield victories has helped reverse the sense o goo.gl/TGHA7
Despite the divisions within their ranks and the distractions of the holy month of Ramadan, which typically sees a lull in fighting in Muslim countries, the past week has seen Libyan rebels inch closer to toppling Muammar Gaddafi. Their advance into the cities of Brega and Zawiya has ratcheted up pressure on the regime by placing rebel forces at the eastern and western gateways to the capital, Tripoli. On Thursday, rebel military units entered the oil town of Brega for the first time since March, when a loyalist offensive had pushed them back towards their stronghold of Benghazi. Rebel officials escorted a group of journalists to the deserted city on Monday. Rocket casings covered with desiccated palm leaves lay within view of monolithic housing complexes, peppered with shrapnel.
Read more: http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2089016,00.html#ixzz1VFFaPKEl