Breaking news: Libya TV Mohammed Sanousi/ has been killed in Zawia (again). Allah Akbar... #Senussi
Remember this a few eeks ago? THURSDAY, JULY 21, 2011 Sanussi Dies Senussi, former spy chief, Dies - Senussi Dies again and again and again, The serious injury of Abdalla Senussi, Gaddafi's brutal right-hand-man. Responsible for many of the atrocities committed by the regime, the second-most-hated-man in Libya after Muammar himself was allegedly been shot by freedom fighters in Tripoli last week. Old Article on this subject here --> http://goo.gl/W1Ysy
tunatrawler catalyst
freelibyasoon LibyaFree
carolv27 Carol Viana
Again? LOL! RT @Libya_from_FR lol :P I think it's maybe for therumor that AbdAllah Mohamed Senussi died
Libya_from_FR Sarah LFFR
@carolv27 lol :P I think it's maybe for the rumor that AbdAllahMohamed Senussi died
Audiomonkee Feyaza Khan
Libya's Exiled crown Prince Muhammad Al Senussi says Gaddafi'sdays are numbered
terrorspatz veronika wyrembek
Deutsche Nato-Medien unterstützen die Schlächter der Al-Kaida-,LIFG-, SENUSSI-Terroristen-Bande. MÖRDER!KINDERSCHÄNDER! TIERQUÄLER!