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AhmerMurad Ahmer Murad
malvernchela Suzanne
@LisaatSky State TV no longer broadcasting from its building in #Tripoli. Best guess is they are in Sirte or mobile unit. #Libya #SkyLibya
Sammattalis Ahmed ali abdi
bootlickers are brainless! even after the fall of Tripoli,the state tvmentions Gaddafi as the leader.#Libya
pad1966 Paul Donald
State TV in #Libya appears now to be showing kids dressed up as the Thunderbirds bit.ly/ndlMt2
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I guess it is safe to say, at least for the time being, #libya state tv is .. broadcasting but practically non-existent hacked already?
TonyNewsCamera Tony Smith
Love it that #libya state tv is ignoring events and airing a programme about heart disease.