Libya rebels battle for key city near Tripoli -,0,2572118.story“Again, little/no independent confirmation of "rebel" claims, from this LATimes reporter...based in Cairo ( ) #Libya ”
libyanewmedia: Gaddafi forces using heavy weapons in both Garyan & Zawiya. People in Zawiya joyous & chanting. #Libya #Zawiya2 days ago 9 retweet
libyanewmedia: Gaddafi forces are now shelling Zawiya. So far 10 revolutionaries known to have been killed. #Libya #Zawiya2 days ago 8 retweet
libyanewmedia: Garyan FB channel: Distribution of weapons in Zawiya happening with name registration in order to prevent chaos in the future #Libya #Zawiya7 hours ago 8 retweet

أسر أحد جنود الطاغية في الزاوية من قبل الثوار - YouTube
“Video from yesterday: Revolutionaries detain 1 of Gaddafi's forces in Zawiya. #Libya #Zawiya ”
WRAPUP 8-Libyan rebels fly flag over key town near Tripoli | News by Country | Reuters #Mizdah is liberated now. #rebels flag over the old town of #mezda #FFs controlled mil camp with little resistance. #libya #Zawiya #Zawia5 hours ago 8 retweet
BBC Afrique - Afrique - Libye: qui contrôle Zawiya?“Libye: qui contrôle Zawiya?: Les rebelles affirment avoir pris le contrôle d'une large partie de la ville et sig.. ”
BBC فارسی - جهان - نبرد مخالفان قذافی در شهری استراتژیک در نزدیکی طرابلس“DTN Iran: نبرد مخالفان قذافی در شهر نفتی زاویه: مخالفان مسلح معمر قذافی در نبرد برای به دست گرفتن کنترل شهر استر.. ”