Libya / Brega: Today, interviews, children and civilians, 13 Aug. 2011 - YouTube
“I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/lFIaoGD Libya / Brega: Today, interviews, children and civilians, 13 ”
alihashem_aja: It's time now for ff in east Libya to launch a wide scale attack on #Gadaffi forces in #Brega, raslanouf, and benjawwad22 hours ago 20 retweet
Libyan Teen's News Site Hears The Rebel Yell : NPR
npr.org/2011/08/13/139600683/libyan-teens-news-site-hears-the-rebel-yell?sc=tw“cute story on NPR about 14 year old news correspondent Malek from Brega: http://t.co/VwYuME3 #libya ”

الجزيره -- تاورغا بعد سيطره الثوار عليها - YouTube
“#Libya #Brega #FFs #Taorga after the rebels take control -video -- الجزيره -- تاورغا بعد سيطره الثوار عليها http://t.co/beJcoyv via @youtube ”
قوات المعارضة الليبية تسيطر على تاورغاء، جنوب البريقة (Magharebia.com)
magharebia.com/cocoon/awi/xhtml1/ar/features/awi/newsbriefs/general/2011/08/12/newsbrief-01“قوات المعارضة الليبية تسيطر على تاورغاء، جنوب البريقة http://t.co/lGkAme7 #Libya #Brega #Tawergha ”
syriancommando: #NATO breaches #UNSC resolutions on #Libya: hundreds of soldiers spotted landing in#Brega, #Misrata and #Benghazi to cover up failures.18 hours ago 6 retweet
secularlibya: Heinz: a Daffi commando unit against Jalu was diverted to S. #Brega were hit by airstrikes and were unable to reinforce #Brega #Libya #Feb1714 hours ago 7 retweet
antinatoism: #Libya Breaking #News Our brave #army Killed 65 rats tried to pass #Ajdabia to #Brega .#occupywallstreet20 hours ago 5 retweet