MachahirNews Machahir123
BenPerrusi Ben-Perrusi Martins
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Libyan fighters said they had captured a valley leading to the centre of Bani Walid feb17.info/news/live-liby… #Libya #Feb17
JayneSeckerSky JayneSeckerSky
Anti Gadaffi Rebel forces look to be making the big push into BaniWalid #Libya
SlipknotMody \m/ Mody
RT @BreakingNews 'Bani Walid will be free today,' #Libya'n fighter says as rebel forces push into #Gaddafi strongholdon.msnbc.com/qEEZgz
PicoBee Piccola Bee
/@BBCNews - #Libya conflict: Anti- #Gaddafi forces move on BaniWalid #BaniWalid, #Turkey's PM has arrived in #Libyabbc.in/p1x4TN
AeliciaJones Fuck Gaddafi Asshole
freedom fighters are fighting gaddafi rats IN bani walid town center #libya #baniwalid
kir_T34 Кирилл Светицкий
WP: In fierce push, Libyan fighters stream into Bani Walid, one of remaining Gadhafi bastions: BANI WA... wapo.st/nppAEP | #Libya
malonebarry Barry Malone
Based on what people getting out of Bani Walid were saying, if the NTC does take it today, the response will probably be huge relief #Libya
yormtweetty Yomi
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
malonebarry Barry Malone
Bani Walid: "We have cleared the valley leading to the city centre," NTC fighter Talal Fernan tells Reuters. Other fighters confirm. #LIbya