Head of Syrian-based TV channel says he has footage of Gaddafi recorded in last 48 hrs & would broadcast it soonfeb17.info/news/live-liby… #Libya
LIVE Libyan Unrest: September 16, 2011
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“We have in our hands (in Libya) footage of a speech by Gaddafi,” Jabouri said, adding it had been recorded in the last 48 hours and would be broadcast as soon as what he called technical problems in Libya were overcome.

The Foreign Office had previously advised against all travel to Libya and recommended that British nationals there leave because of the fighting between supporters and opponents of ousted leader Col. Muammar Gaddafi.

“We have received orders from our commanders and we are going into Bani Walid today from different locations,” anti-Gaddafi fighter Mohammed Jwaida told Reuters at a factory 20 km (15 miles) north of the city, where the rebels were dug in.

Tayyip Erdogan, on a North African tour to assert Ankara’s regional influence, will be hoping to reap political and economic dividends from Libya’s new rulers for his country’s help in their struggle to end Col Gadafy’s 42-year grip on power.

“Initial statistics: 11 martyrs and 34 wounded,” an English-language statement by the Misrata Military Council said.