@MilitantNewsStephen Morgan
Retweeted by feenixUK and others
cinnamon_carter cinnamon_carter
RT @MachahirNews: BREAKING: Freedom Fighters have enteredSirte from south & west, Now Fierce clashes are still ongoing. #Libya #Gaddafi
stuartdhughes Stuart Hughes
nyberroithur nyberroithur (luxy)
MilitantNews Stephen Morgan
FreeBenghazi Libya.elHurra
7 fighters from #Misrata were wounded in today's advance on #Sirte. 3 were discharged after receiving treatment #Libyapic.twitter.com/qa3Fgu2h
allvoices allvoices
IndyLibya Free Libya
Libya’s revolutionary fighters enter Qaddafi hometown Sirte, fight his loyalists goo.gl/fb/8M8V5 #Libya #Feb17
fischerville ian pert
"... attacking force must cope with the hostility of the Gaddafi tribe who remain loyal" #Sirte #Libya guardian.co.uk/world/2011/sep…
ArabianSaluki Arabian Saluki
Palm_Maple Palm Maple
Al Arabiya sources: Sirte airport fully liberated and ongoing clashes between NTC fights and Gaddafi forces #Libya
MachahirNews Machahir123