Thursday, September 15, 2011

Attack on Sirte has begun, have enteredSirte from south & west, 900 armored cars- massive display today

Stephen Morgan
 Attack on Sirte has begun+NTC sent in 900 armored cars-massive-There is no doubt Sirte+Bani Walid will fall, its a question of how

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RT : BREAKING: Freedom Fighters have enteredSirte from south & west, Now Fierce clashes are still ongoing.  
 Stuart Hughes 
Reports of heavy fighting to the south and west of  - it sounds as if the battle for the city cd be entering a critical phase. 
 nyberroithur (luxy) 
, French leaders give strong support to  - NewsTimes
 Stephen Morgan 
 Attack on Sirte has begun+NTC sent in 900 armored cars-massive-There is no doubt Sirte+Bani Walid will fall, its a question of how
7 fighters from  were wounded in today's advance on . 3 were discharged after receiving treatment 
Libyan military unit entered the suburbs of Sirte - -   
 Marguerite Dehler 
RT : BREAKING//Machahir News Sources: airport is under Libya's Fighters control.   
 Free Libya 
Libya’s revolutionary fighters enter Qaddafi hometown Sirte, fight his loyalists   
 ian pert 
"... attacking force must cope with the hostility of the Gaddafi tribe who remain loyal"   
 Arabian Saluki 
RT 's NTC say their forces have entered Sirtefrom south & west, amid fierce resistance from pro-#Gaddafi forces
 Libya NFSL 
Misrata's FreedomFighters take over Sirte airport, clashes continuing with Gaddafi's forces (Saadi Brigade)  
 Mohammad Qahtani 
If  liberated tonight,  is next and we will see lots of fleeing toward   
 Palm Maple 
Al Arabiya sources: Sirte airport fully liberated and ongoing clashes between NTC fights and Gaddafi forces 
BREAKING: Freedom Fighters have entered Sirte from south & west, Now Fierce clashes are still ongoing.