Thursday, September 15, 2011

#sirte Sirte airport fully liberated from Al Arabiya sources

: Al Arabiya sources: Sirte airport fully liberated and ongoing clashes between NTC fights and Gaddafi forces ”RT
 Danya B Mohammed 
Good news RT : Opposition forces have completely taken the  airport.  
 Again "Libya's cause for civilization is now defended by Qaddafi's loyalist forces " Give em hell boys.   
 Phree Dom 
"  Attacking  +NTC sent in 900 armored cars-massive~No doubt Sirte+Bani Walid will fall~question of how
  Attack on Sirte has begun, have enteredSirte from south & west, 900 armored cars- massive display today
 Jeel Ghathub 
Opposition forces have completely taken the  airport.  
 João Cunha 
RT : Misrata's FF take over Sirte airport, clashes continuing with Gaddafi's forces (Saadi Brigade)  
 Piccola Bee 
'n rebels launch  offensive,  Flag flying over last petrol station before city  via 
RT : BREAKING: Freedom Fighters have enteredSirte from south & west, Now Fierce clashes are still ongoing.  
 Stuart Hughes 
Reports of heavy fighting to the south and west of  - it sounds as if the battle for the city cd be entering a critical phase. 
 nyberroithur (luxy) 
, French leaders give strong support to  - NewsTimes
 Stephen Morgan 
 Attack on Sirte has begun+NTC sent in 900 armored cars-massive-There is no doubt Sirte+Bani Walid will fall, its a question of how