Sunday, September 11, 2011

@MachahirNews BREAKING: At least Five NATO airstrikes heard around town of pro-Gaddafi town of Bani Walid

BREAKING: At least Five NATO airstrikes heard around town of pro-Gaddafi town of Bani Walid.  
BREAKING: Amadou Morou, who is also the minister of justice says Saadi Gaddafi had come in a convoy along with 9 other people.  
BREAKING: NTC Leader, Mahmoud Jibril says that  will form interim Government in the next 10 days.  
BREAKING: African Nations would respect its commitments to the  if Libya's Muammar  or his sons entered.   
BREAKING: Niger Justice minister confirms Saadi Gaddafi has arrived in his country.    
BREAKING: Niger now confimed the arrive of Saadi Gaddafi to Agadez. 
BREAKING: Reports - Muammar  's son, Saif al-Islam, may be with his brother Al-Saadi in Northern Niger. 
BREAKING: Sources: Saadi Gaddafi now northern of , South of "Libya. 
BREAKING: ALArabiya Sources: 's Son, Saadi has just arrived in northern Niger.  
Police arrested a technical engineer who works for AlJazeera without a permission,claiming that thechannel operates without a license 
More: Egyptian autorothies raided the office of AlJazeera Mubasher Misr channel in Al-Agouza destrict and seized the broadcasting equipment.
BREAKING: Bouzaid Dorda, the head of 's external security organization, has been arrested by anti-Gaddafi fighters.  
BREAKING: Pres. Barack Obama will speak tonight in Washington at 9/11 memorials today.  RIP 9
Joe Biden has just left the Pentagon memorial, after nearly 3 hours in attendance,He offered an uplifting Msg of resilience. RIP 9
Barack Obama was greeted with cheers and waves despite the solemn nature of his visit to Shanksville.  
BREAKING: Barack Obama has laid a wreath at the site in Shankesville, PA, where Flight 93 came down . RIP 9